Y is a vowel part of the time in the English language and part of the time a consonant Someone uses 25 all the time even the address of the building I am moving back to in Anderson Township where I guess Eric Schwing was supposed to go and I also not Berta Lambert that had Cable because him and his brother Karl were managers of an apartment building in Columbus but Berta came to Cincinnati for a while. What did he do that for? Our dad and our father are two different things and fathers as in Godfathers are not the same. A godfather can also refer to someone or in the case of Bryan Patrick Gates two people of Mike and Cid gates that would act as parents to Bryan if Eleanor died before he was 17 years old. That was agreed to in Cape Coral where our dad died God Fathers do not necessarily mean heads of Mafia's Sao Paulo (St Paul) was where Neil's parents and a part of the
British Royal family (Adolf Hitler and Al Capone in the 1920's. Hitler was told to leave because he and all the Nazi party were gay Elements Power Harmony/Discord Fire 228 17 Air 125 -46 Water 77 20 Earth 209 -66 Cardinal 119 -2 Fixed 327 -49 Common 193 -24 Using Cosmodynes which reflect our mom’s chart based on her birth on August 29, 1919, at 5:00 Am you can see where I highlighted the highest powers in her chart based on whether a sign is a fire and whether it is Cardinal, Fixed or Common. Using this method that has at least been around since the 1920’s and is used as one important part of telling what a person’s real sign at birth, not the sun sign, you can see that Fire and Fixed are the most powerful in our mom’s chart. For that reason, she was a Leo even though she had sun in Virgo But there is another method that is very important and really has some affinity to Cosmodynes. It is a method of deciding what factors are strongest based a symbol relating to the planets that rule signs of the zodiac There is a site on the internet that puts articles by astrological professionals and there is a way of deciding how powerful a particular planet is based on a score. It is what all astrologers use all the time. Professionals though have day to day use of things like this so they know from not books but by daily experience what works and what does not. Here is something relating to what I think is a very strong 2nd theme in our mom’s chart. The theme I am talking about is related to the fact that she had Mercury almost exactly conjunct her rising or ascendant. Based on the scoring method in the article that counts as 10 points for that along. He then says that is a planet is in either Virgo or Gemini or in the 3rd house there is a scoring for that also. Our mom had Moon, the ruler of all the Leo planets in the 12th house in the 3rd house. I think he said that counts as 2 points, and anything else in the sign Gemini or Virgo as 2 points. So our mom had Venus in Virgo that counts as 2 points. She also had Pluto in a house with Gemini on the cusp so that counts as 1 point I think. I am sure that I am doing something wrong at the moment because I only get about 15 points now but using it as a professional did and does I came up with a score of about. I know what I did not include she has sun in Virgo as well as Saturn. But there is something that says her death might not have been the heart condition in her chart because on the day she died Pluto was transiting her 1st house and conjunct her Sun and Saturn in Virgo BTW she did have a heart condition most of her life from the time she was very young and may have almost died of it although I never heard say that. Fire and Leo are related to fevers and Leo rules the physical heart. She was born with Leo Ascendant. That is also what it says on her death certificate as being the cause of her death Rheumatic fever caused damage to her heart, and yet she took the risk of having three children which it seems could have killed her The fact that there was a movie made in 1954, starring Elizabeth Taylor, titled the last time I saw Paris in which there is a scene that shows an oxygen tent in her hospital room at one time and then it is not there when someone came back in the room, and the fact that was a Hollywood mistake that was done because someone did because of our mom who did not die until 8 years after the movie was made but she did get boots that I think might have been intended for Elizabeth Taylor and Neil knew it and talked to Elizabeth Taylor. There was also a Hollywood mistake of saying the movie was made 1944 when it was 1954. Eleven years after Hitler died and the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused by the heavy water plants made during the 2nd world war Also from the time I was about 8 years old without knowing someone existed around our house and then to live in our house and family after our mom died. There was a day when I “saw” I did not know that someone could control what someone saw but not by eyes but can. I saw a crab. The key words for Cancer the Crab are “I feel” the US is a Cancer country, even though the Freemasons say it is a Scorpio country and we still used the Eagle as the symbol of the US the same way Ancient Egypt used the Eagle for Scorpio in the Sphinx or Spring Equinox. That is the day our mom died March 20, 1962. They also used her name in one form to say she did not live in the Gates family and neither did I with movies costarring Betty Lou Gerson. She, as far as I know never had any interest in Hollywood but gangsters stealing identities did and they used her before and after even after she died as Easter Lily Gates President of the Board of elections in Ft Lauderdale in the 1950’s. But not related to the Gates family of parents and children being the husband as head of the family, not the NEE way that some royal families decided who was king and queen and for that reason control of the family I am sure that Elmer Bernstein lived on Yasger’s farm in New York. The problem with what Eric and Al another al not Al Capone, and not AI artificial intelligence, or changing the name brian into brain as in eating brains like they did with brian picallo and then said that is Pam Neil and Eleanor they never do that kind of things and yet Neil named Bryan as bryan and he was never adopted by our dad who was the only person that had the background to adopt children because I am sure Eleanor didn’t because her name was not even Donnelly it was Austin WIOF OR WOlF wolf and the movie Who’s Afraid of Virginia wolf shown at Hartley high school while Neil was going there as well as myself Our mom was strangled in some way on the day she died Neil was supposed to go live on a farm because he knew people in Pickerington Ohio that had a farm and had been on cruises with Eleanor and himself in Ft Lauderdale the Franca “C” line and then we moved to Columbus but he still knew where they lived and was told to leave our house so he had the sibling drive him there and he said he would because he had used his so called “CIA identification to show to the Lee’s in our neighborhood but he never went there to live and in fact forced me out of the house and then forced Eleanor to lie for him as though she was married to him Neil used my arm I don’t use the Three arm symbol or the Three leg symbol Neil caused my arm to move as though I were committing Hari Kari, during the night and 14 years after the Japanese committed Hari Kari as part of the Trappist monks hired as Kamakazi pilots for Pearl Harbor. But I don’t kill anyone and I was not a Trappist Monk the Marines or something like that brought down the planes using Transponders ion the Japanese zero’s around Pearl Harbor. GUNG HO!
I am not Sicilian Vampire, and I do not really think that Santo Trafficante Jr that supposedly had parents in Sicily ever existed other than an alias for Neil Donnelly God Father of the Sicilian Mafia.
Paul Henry Gerson Jr said he had a grandmother that lived in Italy in the 1950’s 1954 Movie 5000 fingers of Dr T Someone used my “3rd leg” with the wink of an eye I guess on Maynard ave in the 1980’s without knowing that stuff had been going in Ft Lauderdale with Neil doing it or someone like that. I do not have a stick and I am not Bradley Broomstick No Three Hares project either like Tampa Haxen films
Using Cosmodynes which reflect our mom’s chart based on her birth on August 29, 1919 at 5:00 Am you can see where I highlighted the highest powers in her chart based on whether a sign is fire and whether it is Cardinal, Fixed or Common. Using this method that has at least been around since the 1920’s and is used as one important part of telling what a person’s real sign at birth not the sun sign, you can see that Fire and Fixed are the most powerful in our mom’s chart. For that reason she was a Leo even though she had sun in Virgo
But there is another method that is very important and really has some affinity to Cosmodynes. It is a method of deciding what factors are strongest based on a symbol relating to the planets, that rule signs of the zodiac
There is a site on the internet called Sky Writer that Donna Cunningham used to write for called http://skywriter.wordpress.com that includes articles by astrological professionals. Bases on one of the methods that a professional uses, there is a way of deciding how powerful a particular planet symbol is, based on the score. It is what all astrologers use all the time. But it is not something most people, maybe even clients realize. They have the day to day experience I will never have, and the grape vine as vampires of sorts e. g When Uranus was exactly conjuncting my Neptune, the broken tree of life, and real XP, not CHI RHO or in other words Cairo meaning Mars even if it is spelled with a "K" like the production company for the Munsters Kairo View? there were hundreds of people that became astrologers because the real "listener" as in listening to my soul, made that possible
So here is what I think proves it in astrological terms, along with her date of death on a document that writes itself (sacred geometry) so it can't be wrong. Then there is someone that came from Boston, and had been trained from birth as a "Warlock or at least that is what he calls himself, behind my back, just after our mom died, and just after losing our mom. I say our mom because I also have two siblings that were then 15 and 19 years old. So, just after she died on March 20, 1962 he gets all of the people in our family without our dad, and two of the three people that had come from Boston together and told them if they took me to the AMF Bowling lanes in Davie Florida I would remember killing our mom. This was all done behind my back, and yet no one has told me even today 56 years later.
I can understand that because they knew they would not have a life after they saw what a psychopath like the person that ended up in my bedroom for five years could do I didn't unfortunately and because of that before and after our mom died I have never had a life
Besides the sacred geometry, the astrological chart that I just was able to do because I was finally able to get her birth certificate after 40 years of trying, because I was lied to by the Vital statistics government agency in Dayton. I got Roger Mike's and our dad's in the 1970's just after I started teaching myself Astrology but was told then in a note sent along with the birth certificates for them that our mom's Betty Louise Peffers was hand written and not legible and for that reason they could not send it to me. I finally got it in 2017 and while it is hand written it is very legible and for that reason that is how much my life has been controlled and proof that she was killed but not by me. there is one other thing relating to a movie by Elizabeth Taylor which the person from Boston knew about, and in fact may have even talked to her from his stick not in person. She did a movie titled "The Last Time I saw Paris" in which there is a "mistake" as the internet states noticed by people that know why those "mistakes" are made and it is the scene that shows an oxygen tent in the characters that Elizabeth Taylor's plays in the movie hospital room. The oxygen tent is there in one scene then it is gone, for no reason, in the next scene when the visitors come back in the hospital room
Neil caused Who Afraid of Virginia Wolf to shown at Hartley long after our mom died as though he did not care at all. But then I guess that is the definition of a psychopath
But then again our mom and dad might have had better lives but they were committed to being parents even if it caused their lives not to be as good as they could have been
The theme I am talking about is related to the fact that she ad Mercury almost exactly conjunct her rising or ascendant. Based on the scoring method in the article that counts as 10 points for that along. He then says that is a planet is in either Virgo or Gemini or in the 3rd house there is a scoring for that also. Our mom had Moon, the ruler of all the Leo planets in the 12th house in the 3rd house. I think he said that counts as 2 points, and anything else in the sign Gemini or Virgo as 2 points. So our mom had Venus in Virgo that counts as 2 points. She also had Pluto in a house with Gemini on the cusp so that counts as 1 point I think. I am sure that I am doing something wrong at the moment because I only get about 15 points now but using it as a professional did and does I came up with a score of about. I know what I did not include she has sun in Virgo as well as Saturn. But there is something that says her death might not have been the heart condition in her chart because on the day she died Pluto was transiting her 1st house and conjunct her Sun and Saturn in Virgo
So here is what I think proves it in astrological terms, along with her date of death on a document that writes itself (sacred geometry) so it can't be wrong. Then there is someone that came from Boston, and had been trained from birth as a "Warlock or at least that is what he calls himself, behind my back, just after our mom died, and just after losing our mom. I say our mom because I also have two siblings that were then 15 and 19 years old. So, just after she died on March 20, 1962 he gets all of the people in our family without our dad, and two of the three people that had come from Boston together and told them if they took me to the AMF Bowling lanes in Davie Florida I would remember killing our mom. This was all done behind my back, and yet no one has told me even today 56 years later.
I can understand that because they knew they would not have a life after they saw what a psychopath like the person that ended up in my bedroom for five years could do I didn't unfortunately and because of that before and after our mom died I have never had a life
Besides the sacred geometry, the astrological chart that I just was able to do because I was finally able to get her birth certificate after 40 years of trying, because I was lied to by the Vital statistics government agency in Dayton. I got Roger Mike's and our dad's in the 1970's just after I started teaching myself Astrology but was told then in a note sent along with the birth certificates for them that our mom's Betty Louise Peffers was hand written and not legible and for that reason they could not send it to me. I finally got it in 2017 and while it is hand written it is very legible and for that reason that is how much my life has been controlled and proof that she was killed but not by me. there is one other thing relating to a movie by Elizabeth Taylor which the person from Boston knew about, and in fact may have even talked to her from his stick not in person. She did a movie titled "The Last Time I saw Paris" in which there is a "mistake" as the internet states noticed by people that know why those "mistakes" are made and it is the scene that shows an oxygen tent in the characters that Elizabeth Taylor's plays in the movie hospital room. The oxygen tent is there in one scene then it is gone, for no reason, in the next scene when the visitors come back in the hospital room
Neil caused Who Afraid of Virginia Wolf to shown at Hartley long after our mom died as though he did not care at all. But then I guess that is the definition of a psychopath
But then again our mom and dad might have had better lives but they were committed to being parents even if it caused their lives not to be as good as they could have been
The theme I am talking about is related to the fact that she ad Mercury almost exactly conjunct her rising or ascendant. Based on the scoring method in the article that counts as 10 points for that along. He then says that is a planet is in either Virgo or Gemini or in the 3rd house there is a scoring for that also. Our mom had Moon, the ruler of all the Leo planets in the 12th house in the 3rd house. I think he said that counts as 2 points, and anything else in the sign Gemini or Virgo as 2 points. So our mom had Venus in Virgo that counts as 2 points. She also had Pluto in a house with Gemini on the cusp so that counts as 1 point I think. I am sure that I am doing something wrong at the moment because I only get about 15 points now but using it as a professional did and does I came up with a score of about. I know what I did not include she has sun in Virgo as well as Saturn. But there is something that says her death might not have been the heart condition in her chart because on the day she died Pluto was transiting her 1st house and conjunct her Sun and Saturn in Virgo
BTW she did have a heart condition most of her life from the time she was very young and may have almost died of it although I never heard say that. Fire and Leo are related to fevers and Leo rules the physical heart. She was born with Leo Ascendant. That is also what it says on her death certificate as being the cause of her death Rheumatic fever caused damage to her heart, and yet she took the risk of having three children which it seems could have killed her
The fact that there was a movie made in 1954, starring Elizabeth Taylor, titled the last time I saw Paris in which there is a scene that shows an oxygen tent in her hospital room at one time and then it is not there when someone came back in the room, and the fact that was a Hollywood mistake that was done because someone did because of our mom who did not die until 8 years after the movie was made but she did get boots that I think might have been intended for Elizabeth Taylor and Neil knew it and talked to Elizabeth Taylor. There was also a Hollywood mistake of saying the movie was made 1944 when it was 1954. Eleven years after Hitler died and the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused by the heavy water plants made during the 2nd world war
Also from the time I was about 8 years old without knowing someone existed around our house and then to live in our house and family after our mom died. There was a day when I “saw” I did not know that someone could control what someone saw but not by eyes but can. I saw a crab. The key words for Cancer the Crab are “I feel” the US is a Cancer country, even though the Freemasons say it is a Scorpio country and we still used the Eagle as the symbol of the US the same way Ancient Egypt used the Eagle for Scorpio in the Sphinx or Spring Equinox. That is the day our mom died March 20, 1962. They also used her name in one form to say she did not live in the Gates family and neither did I with movies costarring Betty Lou Gerson. She, as far as I know never had any interest in Hollywood but gangsters stealing identities did and they used her before and after even after she died as Easter Lily Gates President of the Board of elections in Ft Lauderdale in the 1950’s. But not related to the Gates family of parents and children being the husband as head of the family not the NEE way that some royal families decided who was king and queen and for that reason control of the family
I am sure that Elmer Bernstein lived on Yasger’s farm in New York. The problem with what Eric and Al another al not Al Capone, and not AI artificial intelligence, or changing the name brian into brain as in eating brains like they did with brian picallo and then said that is Pam Neil and Eleanor they never do that kind of things and yet Neil named Bryan as Bryan and he was never adopted by our dad who was the only person that had the background to adopt children because I am sure Eleanor didn’t because her name was not even Donnelly it was Austin
WIOF OR WOlF wolf and the movie Who’s Afraid of Virginia wolf shown at Hartley high school while Neil was going there as well as myself
Our mom was strangled in some way on the day she died
Neil was supposed to go live on a farm because he knew people in Pickerington Ohio that had a farm and had been on cruises with Eleanor and himself in Ft Lauderdale the Franca “C” line and then we moved to Columbus but he still knew where they lived and was told to leave our house so he had the sibling drive him there and he said he would because he had used his so called “CIA identification to show to the Lee’s in our neighborhood but he never went there to live and in fact forced me out of the house and then forced Eleanor to lie for him as though she was married to him
Neil used my arm I don’t use the Three arm symbol or the Three leg symbol Neil caused my arm to move as though I were committing Hari Kari, during the night and 14 years after the Japanese committed Hari Kari as part of the Trappist monks hired as Kamakazi pilots for Pearl Harbor. But I don’t kill anyone and I was not a Trappist Monk the Marines or something like that brought down the planes using Transponders ion the Japanese zero’s around Pearl Harbor. I am not Sicilian Vampire and I do not really think that Santo Trafficante Jr from Sicily was ever a real person or a don in the Sicilian Mafia. Paul Henry Gerson Jr said he had a grandmother that lived in Italy in the 1950’s
1954 Movie 5000 fingers of Dr T
Someone used my “3rd leg” with the wink of an eye I guess on Maynard ave in the 1980’s without knowing that stuff had been going in Ft Lauderdale with Neil doing it or someone like that. I do not have a stick and I am not Bradley Broomstick
No Three Hares project either like Tampa Haxen films