I think this is where there was a problem that occurred because of something like Mary Magdolin, or maybe even Lilith. Why is there something that suggests that we had a mother that created the human race as we know it that has any gender at all? How can there be gender if it is not on the planet earth? If Mary Magdalene lived on the planet somewhere then where did she live?
I have to say that how creation happened is something that is hard to understand, but supposes there is a way in the "primordial ooze" with the use of magical instructions to create something? How that might be possible is something I will never understand but someone would have to agree that even today they cannot explain in as far as I know any university how we learned the language. I am not talking about now with it built into DNA but BCE time when DNA did not even exist yet.
But in the process of creating arms for the human and the measurement of a Cubit that is supposed to be, I think, a measurement from the elbow to the wrist, creation made a mistake or one of two creators made a mistake and thought that the cubit was something as crazy as it sounds related to the male gender.
It has been an issue that I have been a victim of all my life or at least since I was about 7 years old and my arm was controlled by unseen control, that used my dream or Rem cycle as though the unseen entity was the dream cycle, to cause my arm to move, while I was almost asleep at the Desert Inn, owned by gangsters in Miami, and caused to move as though I were a pilot for the Japanese Army as a Kamikaze pilot and committing Hari Kari
Just about the time Eric Schwing was leaving Columbus in the 1970's and also the fact that some invisible entity was able to look in my window that i did not know for over 40 years and yet I am sure it says it all over the document that was in our house in the 1950's they took my entire human self below the waist and used it as though a part of my body was my third leg, and that is why it continues to be a form of terrorism today and makes almost impossible to walk anymore
Here are a few what I guess are crests related to royalty or maybe they are made up I do not know for sure but one shows a problem that I think says it all. In the sign Pisces, in the modern zodiac and zodiac going back, at least since the 1100's Pisces sign is always shown as symbolized as two fish. Don't forget the word fish could also be spelled wish or witch and I am sure that it is in other languages. But there should be three fish instead of two related to the symbol of Pisces
Notice the arm and the three fish
Why did Neil put a shirt sleeve on his head as though he had a third arm coming out of his skull and put Tiny Gator with a green felt tip pen to put it on there in 1964, just before we moved to Columbus where Sam Sheppard was getting out of the Ohio Penitentiary and offered wrestling as an alternative career after losing his license to practice medicine. Why did he say he saw a one-armed man that night that his wife Marilyn Reese Sheppard was beaten until her face was unrecognizable and she was 4 months pregnant