Here is just one example of a person you would think, at first sight, was the type of person that might be ok. But I am sure that would not be the case proved by the article that also found at the same time.
He is also the type of person to give the FBI a bad name and the subject of Astrology
Here is something that I copied off the site
He is also the type of person to give the FBI a bad name and the subject of Astrology
Here is something that I copied off the site
Alan J. Ouimet S.F.O. has been a student of astrology
since 1972 and a practicing astrologer since his retirement from the Federal
Bureau of Investigation in 1988 as a Special Agent specializing in Counter
Intelligence and Terrorism matters. He is a graduate of St. John's University
(History) and a Masters Degree from the University of Connecticut (Political
Science). Alan is also a member of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO), since
1967, founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in the 13th Century. He is the president and founder
of the Franciscan Family Apostolate which cares for tthe destitute
in India; he is a founding director of Heart2Heart USA Inc which cares
for HIV/AIDS children in Kenya and the Connecticut Urban Education Fund caring
for at-risk children in New Haven, CT. He served on the Board of Trustees
of the Society of Former Special Agents of the F.B.I. Foundation which cares the needy
among the F.B.I. family. Alan's primary interest is in astrological research
especially from the medieval to modern historical point of view.
But here is what the NYTIMES found out about him
The Rev. Bruce Ritter, who built Covenant House into the nation's largest shelter network for runaway youngsters before resigning amid accusations of financial and sexual improprieties, is now soliciting donations for a Connecticut charity.
A spokeswoman for the New York State Attorney General's office, Leslie Gersing, said yesterday that the solicitation, first reported in The New York Post, did not violate an agreement that Father Ritter made last February with the state. She said Father Ritter had agreed not to work as a trustee for a charitable group but was not prohibited from raising money for such an organization.
Last month Father Ritter mailed out about 1,000 letters that included an appeal for donations to a charitable group, the Franciscan Family Apostolate, in Guilford, Conn., according to the president of the group, Alan J. Ouimet. Not a Direct-Mail Effort
But Mr. Ouimet, a Franciscan layman who founded the charitable organization in 1970, said in an interview yesterday that the Apostolate had not asked Father Ritter to write the letter as part of a direct-mail campaign. Rather, he said, Father Ritter was answering some of the 2,000 or so letters of support he had received in recent months.
In the letter, Mr. Ouimet said, Father Ritter described his activities of the last year, including work in India, and said that anyone wishing to help the needy in that country could do so through the Guilford charity. Father Ritter, who was on the Apostolate's board of directors from 1985 until late last year, is now a consultant to the group. The mailing also included a brochure for the Apostolate, which helps poor families in India learn skills such as fish and poultry farming.
The letter's envelope carried a return address of Pound Ridge, N.Y., in Westchester County, but Mr. Ouimet said that Father Ritter lived elsewhere in Westchester. Father Ritter, who has repeatedly denied the allegations that forced his resignation from Covenant House, could not be reached for comment yesterday.
The mailing by Father Ritter on Nov. 20 has resulted in contributions of "a few hundred dollars," Mr. Ouimet said. "It's nothing we expected any great growth from. It is not what you consider a direct-mail campaign where you go out and buy a list of 250,000 names of people who don't even know you." Convenant House Annoyed
Officials of Covenant House expressed annoyance at the public solicitation by its former director.
"We've had some success getting word to the people about the work we do, and Father Ritter's coming forward at this time is just a reminder of the troubles that happened two years ago," said Robert McGrath, a senior vice president of Covenant House.
He also seems to have CIA connections and of course not allowed into the US at all. One wonders why he would be even allowed in French Canadian territory