NEE in which the girl is the last name of the family rather than the dad being the last name of the family that is so weird that they actually never said our mom’s name was ever Betty Louise Gates Neil Pam and Eleanor and what they did before she died was said her name was Betty Lou Gerson never Betty Louise gates and then said her name was Easter lily Gates president of the Board of elections in the 1950’s in ft Lauderdale. They had given something to her before she was married and her last name was Peffers but that was not her mom’s mom’s maiden name of Wilson. But I think that based on her chart and her 3rd house moon and the focus on mercury ruler of the third house and ruler of the lungs, not arms that her sister may have been her mom since she had a sister that was 19 years old when she was less than a year old in 1920
This is why Neil calls me his “show “while Paul Hogan is really what people would normally call their show since he was in Hollywood California along with Arnold Schwartz nagger. Mr. Schwartznagger though had parents that were brown shirts for Adolf Hitler but he kept saying he was from Yugoslavia. But the only reason he said he was from Yugoslavia instead of Austria, like Adolf Hitler, is that Austria was split in two parts that caused the Soviet Union and made it possible to create East and West Berlin. That was only created so that the German Mark that was not worth a penny after the 1st and 2nd world war could be bought up by Russia and turned into rubles for a time until the economy and the economic depression which was also caused by Germany would change the focus of the US economy and then the German Marks that were not worth a dime or penny would be a country that could live again with their own economy and be one of the biggest drug dealers on the planet earth with the Taliban in the Mideast and Pol Pot in Thailand controlled by the Heroine dealers even now. After all, the word assassin only means drug dealer, not the killer. So one syllable of assassin might be “ass””niece ass” used against me for the last 25 years of my life with some voice saying that bypassing my ears “neice ass” just looking at a girl walking past me (not even looking at her lower part of her body it is said anyway in a voice that sounds like Eric Schwings voice because even though he doesn’t care to admit he was working for Neil Donnelly and the Marine Corps as far as I can tell. What about the (Merchant Marine) I think that real Marine corps is the Coast Guard what the bounty hunters are that claim they are the Marines today I don’t know but they are not a part of the Navy and how they really got to be a part of the Navy that “walks” I don’t know. The bounty Hunters that scalped Native Americans in French Canadian territory became our Marines in the US about the time of the French and Indian Wars. Using Scalps to prove they killed Native Americans Just like someone that had been an NFL player but joined the YHWH’s that is Jehovah pronounced YHWH or Jupiter that cut the skull off of a human and then cut his ears off to prove that he had killed that person. Hulon Mitchell Jr came from a good family and it just does not make much sense that he would ask that kind of thing be done, from the Oklahoma area that supposedly ran the organization in Florida probably did not really run the organization, but was blamed for that and died in Prison of some sort of Cancer-related to the lower part of males
Here is the life of the person that cut the skull off we in US English use head rather skull but someone that controls the US says you cannot do that and for that reason cuts skulls off and says it is the US’s fault because the average person uses that type of common us English every day. Remember now Oklahoma is where Bob Luce, you probably don’t know who that is but what about his girlfriend who had a grandfather that designed the Horseshoe Stadium being Beverly Deangelo that supposedly became a duchess in the Italian Royal family. How can that be if you have to be a part of a family tree to be in any royal family? Also, don’t forget that the Federal Building that blown up one of the worst disasters in US history was in Oklahoma and blown up; when I was working for the IRS in Covington Kentucky in 1997. Bob Luce I am sure was not a part of the Henry Luce family that owned TIME Magazine and put Adolf Hitler on the cover in 1938 as a man of the year and put Monica Lewinsky on the cover in about 2010 or earlier. What about the federal employees that had offices in the Federal building in Oklahoma and were a part of the Secret Service that was formed the day Lincoln was killed in 1864? Where are the records of when the Secret Service was formed and what happened before Lincoln even signed into law that the SS even had a right to be federal agency related to counterfeiting and protecting the president of the US? What really happened the day the federal building blew up and a fertilizer bomb blew it up with China underground in the area? What about China Town in San Francisco? What about Methane Gas as or Bat Guano (mentioned in Dr. Stranglove or “how I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb” the other title for the movie by Stan Kubrick being highly explosive? What about the 54th hexagram of the I Ching called the Marrying Maiden hexagram related if you saying that only electric circuits are actually what is going on rather than saying Zig Zag is the head and there is more to it than electric
Circuits John Blofeld wrote a book in the 1970’s that said that is all there was to the I Ching and for that reason, the 54th hexagram was in a sense the Nuclear hexagram. I saw a site in the last 25 years that showed a bulletin board in a sense that was focused on Oklahoma underground in which there was a series of hexagrams put together like a bomb possibly
What about C.I.R.C.U.I.T magazine related to the entire Catholic Church that was started in about 1400’s that was around France then? What if there was a plan to use the Catholic church as choices to use and find Pisces of which the Catholic Church is originated from and use people born Catholic and born Pisces to be their “Show” Having a list to choose from then on and then they had already taken the 3rd part of the symbol of Pisces that looks like a fish but isn’t and at creation time taken to make the ruler of Aquarius. Then if God made up a list of people born Pisces they could take all the wishes Fishes or Witches and use them no matter if there was a list or not. So they continue to go to their list but as long as they have one part of the three-part symbol of Pisces they can take and they do take the wishes they are entitled to like people. But what about the fact that they were supposed to include that in the zodiac not go to individuals on the planet earth for that but that is what they have done and continued to do since they changed Abraxas or Abracadabra was changed from Aries and Scorpio to Virgo and Scorpio. That is how our mom got what she got before I was born, possibly partly because the person she married had Jupiter retrograde in Pisces in the 5th house they knew there was going to be a Pisces child in the family. Our mom also had Neptune as a part of almost a quadruple conjunction that included Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune near her ascendant in Leo but on what some astrologers call the dark side of the ascendant the 12th house side
So after Neil had taken my arm when I was about 7 ½ years old and the Gersons were instructed by Neil to take me to the Desert Inn Motel in Miami Beach run probably by Jack Ruby Jewish gangster and a part of the Italian mafia. While there for the weekend my arm was moved as though I were a Trappist monk hired to be a Kamikaze pilot in the Japanese war in which they really did not crash their planes on the decks of aircraft carriers in Pearl Harbor someone had control of the transponders in Japanese Zero planes and caused them to crash and it may be related to the “Marine Corps” that were in Hawaii at that time. After all the Cheyenne Mountain Norad did the same thing in a way on September 11, 2001. Then they just said their “technology was obsolete” after there had. Why did Spectrum have commercials made even before the CEO knew them with Aston Kutcher (who saw his girlfriend a stripper stabbed to death) do the commercials in makeup like and India Guru and show him in a Gazebo like the one in front of this building with three arms and sitting on a dog. There is a zodiac I found going back to 11th Century France in which the stained glass windows formed the pattern of Zig Zag and the symbol for Pisces was a DOG. They have been trying to force me to be spectrum customer before I was told I had to move because they were renovating a HUD building and continue to say that the whole building has to be Spectrum and yet Joyce Ron and Vicky when I first got here in 2012 said in the Gazebo that I needed a “Yes” which had already been done with a sibling and our mom being tricked by the OuiJI board that they have built into what they have in the form of Neil’s stick and the Spider that controls 10 signs of the zodiac with OUI JI being YES AND NO. But they were tricked only because they were both trying to help with getting plastic surgery which I did not ask for paid for because our dad’s insurance couldn’t pay for it as an engineer in Ft Lauderdale in the 1950’s Aston Kutcher knows about 23 Skidoo and that being the “W” in the US English alphabet so along with “double U” and ichtys it looks like Witchys. Ichtys includes all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the five finals which makes 27 letter acrostic but not just 27 letters the entire alphabet not the Zodiac killer of 27 letters
Notice the Capitol "D" then the line with a face then the letter "M"
There is a zodiac that looks like the inside of the skull at Ramsey Abbey Cartouche that shows the elements and then puts letters of the Greek Alphabet with the elements by doing that it spells out ADAM with "D" Air "A" Fire "A" Earth "M" Water but in the real zodiac Air or AER British spelling of Air that element is always opposed to Fire, not Earth, and it shows that Fire is the mirror image or opposed to Water which is also wrong because Fire is always opposed or the mirror image of Air, not Earth
But in the image above it shows it like that and the glyph for Sagittarius which is an Arrow is between two of three parts of the symbol of Pisces
This Is Neil Donnelly or whatever his name is whose parents planned the Kennedy assassination and caused or participated in the Holocaust in Poland and the Ghetto in Poland with people being put on trains and Steven Speilberg parents may have been guards that helped put people on trains then and Steven Speilberg was born in Cincinnati Ohio who finished the last movie that Stanley Kubrick did not finish titled AI or was it A with a small l as in Al Capone, not brain eaters as in another way to spell brian or Bryan. The letter “Y” 25th letter of the alphabet and part of the arm of a left-handed person called the cubit (me) I am left handed one in ten people are left-handed Neil put a shirt sleeve on his head as though my left arm was his third arm in 1963-64 time period 1348 add digits address here and 1350 add digits here and you get “25” or 25 again “Y”
The Glyph for Sagittarius between two of three parts of the symbol for Pisces that is supposed to include three parts to the symbol unless vampires are using Pisces on the planet earth. 33 and 66 2/3rd and 1/3rd or it could be 666 and 333 with the beast being the best part instead of the worst part that people that have not done the work think
been two war games movies made and one had a scene in it from Norad. One of them also co-starred a girl that was on the Cincinnati ballet around here
that our dad was a part of in the form of Coast Guard during the 2nd world war because he was rejected by the Army that drafted him for Flat Feet 4F deferment though that were my eyes, not my real eyes.
Neil’s parents along with Adolf Hitler and all the British royals that were kicked out because they were “gay” and could not produce children for any royal family and that included Japan as part of the royal family but they said they the “M” word instead of dealing in homosexual activity like the Gays that make up the Nazi party all rejects from the royal family because they were all gays. But Neil’s parents also made a deal in Sao Paulo (St Paul) where the signing of the agreement in 1825 occurred that said Brazil was a country and a Pisces country at that with Al Capone the Italian Mafia
So what happened to “Time Warner that is a part of Paramount studios with Kings Island a part of that in the Cincinnati area? How, was it suddenly bought up by AT&T or IBM or something like that?
Why did Paul Hogan have his picture there in clothes that he wore in the movie Crocodile Dundee about the Australian Austrian outback as the sponsor of a children’s play area at Kings Island why was there a roller coaster which I went on called 007 License to Thrill there and why do they have a replica of the Eifel Tower there and why is it part of Time Warner. Why was the Purple People bridge created off an old railroad bridge and someone from “Gates” New York sued related to that bridge. “Gates” is actually a city in New York
Also why did Robbie Knievel do a jump at Kings Island (EVEL’s son that tried to jump over the grand canyon where our dad took us for a camping trip with a camping trailer called a Nimrod camping trailer do a motorcycle jump at Kings Island and was interviewed before the jump saying he had roaches in his stomach for. You know like butterflies except for roaches. UNDEAD People or Lived mirror imaged of Lived is DEVIL. Scorpio sign of the zodiac with a pointed tail of the 23rd bone in the spine