I am not at WKRP, with Venus Fly Trap as a DJ, in Cincinnati. CRP, that broke into the Watergate hotel is and controls Cincinnati and Stan Chesley down to breaking into his house in Indian Hill. You see, just after our mom died a person started living in our house and knew where we lived that claimed he was a CIA agent and had convincing id even though I never saw it I guess the person that lives in Pataskala with his wife Cid saw it on the banks of Whiskey Creek the day we went Water skiing just after our mom died, and he claimed I killed her to everyone except me. But then where are his parents that were war criminals in Germany. How can someone be a CIA agent at 14 years old but not be a US citizen and become a Reynoldsburg Cop?
WKRP is actually the same people that broke into the Watergate Hotel and then hired a “Swallow” like the swallows of Capistrano that always return to the US side of Puerto Rico. Monica Lewinsky is a mossed agent hired to do some dirty work for the same people and caused Bill Clinton to lose his law license.
The cigar-shaped object that Bill Clinton had to talk about is actually a “fly in the spider’s mouth”, that I was a victim before I was even born, and our mom only because I was born a Pisces and a 12th house, which the Flower of Life looks for their next on their list
HAXAN films in Tampa have you ever seen the film Haxen made in the 1920’s but stopped from being shown by Frague or Prague Czechoslovakia headquarters of the Gestapo where Neil knows some people and a used car salesman that lives in a million dollar house does work today as the super squirrel and steals identities from using grave markers in Florida through finding a grave site on the internet. Neil told my biology at Hartley high that he was really interested in dissecting frogs prague while at Hartley where they also showed Elizabeth Taylors movie Who afraid of Virginia Wolf rather National Velvet (our mom got her boots that did not fit because they were intended for a 12-year-old when she was 25 years old) I know how the Flower of Life works now! that they gave to our mom six years before I was born and 2 years before Mike the sibling in Columbus was born and does not have anything to do with Mike “Thayer” BMW motorcycle HOG There” at Walnut Ridge
There is something that is controlling this city, that even caused a sitcom to be made using WKRP as the TV show but it was called WKRP in Cincinnati. But that is wrong for several reasons. One they had a character as a DJ named Venus Fly Trap. Our mom before she died went out and bought a Venus Fly Trap plant and she suggested her youngest son me was a victim of the spider. The other reason is the one that is really the problem using WKRP at all. The Committee to Re-elect the president can be shortened to read CRP instead of KRP. They even had Jack Merz live in Over the Rhine “Y” because someone knew that I started working for the IRS as a seasonal employee after passing the test for that position in Receipt and Control with Sylvia Hastings (Big Cheese herself) probably dead now as my manager. Jack Merz made it look like he had accidentally met me but he had actually been told where to find me by gangsters and their casinos around here. They even made the same mistake of CRP with telling him to have me drive him to the Gambling boat while living in the Over the Rhine “Y” with XP on the outside of the building because it was built in 1917 when the “Y” using the flower of life version of XP still used XP as part of their logo. So I drive Jack there and he starts playing CRP’s or Craps not realizing that there always Proctor and Gamble headquarters and CRP might mean something related to CIA agents breaking into the Watergate Hotel which is what really happened with Neil having CIA identification that did not belong to him because he was not a US citizen, and can never be one. I think he took the identity of Santo Trafficante Jr. I am not sure there was ever really anyone with a real identity by the name of Santo Trafficante Jr or hiding even that with Traficant in Youngstown that Eric and Al Gesenhues did for Neil, and Neil only. Santo Trafficante Jr supposedly had parents in Sicily and lived in Tampa Florida. But who was he? Is there any proof? Would there really be a CIA agent living in Tampa Florida? What about Al Capone being around there in the 1920’s and running whiskey in that area? What about our dad being convinced to take us on a vacation to Tampa in the 1950’s? What about Neil using new management to break into our dad’s engineering career using the spider and causing the name to be changed from Concrete Pipe Products to American Marietta then to Martin Marietta, and now to Lockheed Martin now one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the world and controls human services in Colorado and what about the Krupp family around the Spahn ranch where Charles Manson lived they are not supposed to be in the US because of their connections to weapons also?
Regarding the above line since the TV show that costarred Loni Anderson Burt Reynolds wife, and since the FCC has changed the signal for TV’s from analog to digital. Why have all the channels in the low power digital range using analog to digital box of mine and TV that was only analog again using the Gates family they had used our analog telephone in Florida before it became digital and then used a telephone call that goes in two directions at the same time to create (t)emple (o)f (t)he (s)creaming €lectron TOTSE word for Foot in the French Language to torture me and continue to use that all because of a call the sibling made in Ft Lauderdale with did you see it have created networks around here with WKRP for low power digital tv. But what they don’t mention in any of this is where the KRP comes from and that is Committee to Reelect the President of the US that being Dick Nixon, not Paul Dixon or even Easter Lily Gates as the board of elections president in Ft Lauderdale. So the CIA was the entire re-elections committee that made up Dick Nixon’s re-election committee and they are the one that broke into the Watergate Hotel and then made Dick Nixon blame so he would be impeached the first president in US history to be impeached. They even hired Jack Merz a person I worked with at IRS that did not need to live in Over the Rhine while he was working at the IRS but did so because he was told to do so by someone to watch me while I worked at the IRS. Jack Merz who asked me to take him to gambling boat one night because he did not have a car and so I took him there even though I had no interest in being there and told him so and left early. But whoever told him said he needed to play craps at the table again mentioning in a way CRP instead it is in the form of craps rolling the dice game. Then someone also did not notice that the Proctor and Gamble with Gamble being the keyword the Proctor and Gamble headquarters for the world are in Cincinnati
Then someone blamed me for cable tv but it was Berta and Carl Lambert that had cable because the whole apartment building ran was a test market for Cable TV in the 1970’s so they had Cable. So, invisibly bypassing my ears like you are doing now to broadcast words to me some took the analog to digital tv signal and the box I had purchased to use an analog tv to as a digital TV and broadcast across my screen using mostly 12 as the channel that did it on and the emergency broadcast system of the interstate not the internet and use their microwave channel to broadcast with a black rectangle that almost filled the screen and then type letters with some sort of keyboard while I was watching the late night show by that guy that used a robot as his cohost. The name of the emergency broadcast system is called Artemis or another name for Jupiter. The only other break in that I supposedly did was the rooming house I lived in on 9th ave But it was really the vice cop that had been a problem for our dad at Concrete Pipe products that someone snuck to Columbus and got him the job and he knew who I was because he had groped me at a Trail ways bus depot just after we got to Columbus in 1964. He had made our dad look bad as truck driver there, I think, even though I never saw the guy I only know that our dad complained to a sibling that guy nicknamed “red” was pestering him and he repeated the words that our dad has said word for word in Tampa after we had moved to Columbus then there were the calls that came to Concrete Pipe products that sounded like the sibling that was then about 12 when I was 8 but were not telephone calls at all.
Somehow at the Teamsters union, a union for UPS, and Jimmy Hoffa became something that may have caused a sibling to be run over by a car while he was working. He spent six months in a cast, but while he was in a cast he also had to go to Miami Dade Junior College because our dad decided to move in November, so the school year for his first year of college had already started. So he started there, but there was also, according to what I found on the internet something to say that James A Hunt was going to Miami Dade at the same time. He is mentioned in “Nodule 25” like something you get on vocal cords when you lose your singing voice. But, that was 1964, I was not aware there was even a document until about the year 2000, when I moved into a condo. The only reason I have even concluded that is due to the fact I have seen it in several places and have to conclude it says something I have never seen it close enough to read a word off of it, and yet it has been around my life possibly before I was born. I know that Pam Neil and Eleanor brought it with them but then I did meet Pam Neil and Eleanor until after our mom died. I was told that Pam and Neil were adopted children and I had no reason to think otherwise. But, I think Neil had called Paul H Gerson, and I know Pam had done so. So who was George “Bugs” Moran? Did he have any connection to Italy or Sicily? Paul H Gerson Jr said he had a grandmother that lived in Italy. Did he have one? We left Florida, but even Paul H Gerson Jr was supposed to be my friend the sibling that lives in Columbus talked to him more than I did without me even knowing it was done. I think that was done only because the “International Man of Mystery and Warlock” told him to do so. We left Florida in two different cars, one of them destroyed that was brand new, and I guess was on the document. It was destroyed because Henry Ford had signed a contract with Adolf Hitler and I think Neil and his family tree were using our dad to blame for something that was supposed to happen to them. So he bought a Ford, not something he had ever done before, and what do you think happened after Eleanor had gotten a brand new ford T Bird for nothing, his brand new station wagon had a transmission that was destroyed before he even drove it
What someone continues to do is substitute the letter “K” for the letter “C” in words
and cover for what they won’t admit is wrong because they either do not know the language or they are using that as a way to forge a document.
When I say document I mean something on legal size paper, in which at least part of writes itself because part of it includes sacred geometry. For example the dates of death of our mom and dad were on the document before either of them died but as long as they can pass that part off on someone in the Gates family (not royalty and not Brazil) they think they do not need to take the blame for even if they know where we live and sit in Davie Florida until our mom dies in 1962, with the sibling in Columbus having the document during that time period. Then sending the document to that person with changes, I am not sure how that is done other than Neil forging it with vowels rather than vows like marriage and the girl gender model of the human race never created. There is Autumn or another spelling being ADAM or ODDUM or ODDEM or a lot of other spellings but there is no EWEN or EVEN or EUEN the girl gender model of the human race. If there is no model of the human race for girls then is it possible that they are subject to all dying at once? So some, and organizations like Casino’s are concerned about odds ODDOM ADAM but what about the EVENS being a part of what controls gambling also. Is money and winning at gambling a substitute for a model of the girl gender? I definitely do not think so. Suppose all girls suddenly died? It does seem possible if transgender can’t keep something going that could happen, and what about transgender itself being a problem, what happens when there are no girls left on the planet?
Looks sort of like an Apple doesn’t it? Or maybe a big Apple as in 9/11 with 5/3 or 153 as the mirror image. I think they used Methane, and maybe the Marrying maiden hexagram to blow up the towers in New York, like Oklahoma
ADAM AUTUMN no EVEN Or EWEN OR EUUEN no model for childbearing females and procreation without children the human race will die very quickly NO GOD MODEL OF WOMEN OR GIRLS
Someone keeps using fashion models as though they are God Models but they aren’t and a Cancer country is not a person born a Pisces. The part of the body that rules girls or women’s chest area or tits to use street language is the sign Cancer. The US is a Cancer Country. St Paul Brazil where Al Capone and Neil’s parents and Adolf Hitler met was probably a Pisces country with the agreement signed in 1825. No Lady Boys in the Thailand area please that killed David Carradine
Here is part of the model for males where is the model for females. Is the Knot all there is? Celtic Knot? Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow. Is it just money or are marriage partners more important. Why do marriage rates seem to keep going down? Also why do Nuns (sisters 14 Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet) not Laity take a “vow” not a vowel” of chastity, which supposedly means they are married to god? Why can’t guys or males be nuns in the Catholic Church? The clothes they wear, that have changed to almost look like any girls street cloths used to look like the clothes that the stereotypical witch wears and had costumes for on Halloween. What about the Brothers in the Catholic Church the Jesuits that teach at universities like Notre Dame (Paul Hornung Green Bay Packer graduated from that school) and the University of Dayton, where our dad graduated from in the 1930’s. Our dad may have wanted to be a Merchant Marine (Coast Guard) during the Second World War or the attack on Pearl Harbor with Lighthouses around Lake Erie that the Coastguard were responsible for during that time with a secret unit in the Cincinnati area. Our dad was rejected for flat feet and given a 4F classification for the draft of the Second World War and also lost an engineering firm that he created along with a partner in Dayton so he may have decided that he needed to do something. He was also a surveyor, not a phone surveyor but a surveyor that tells where property lines are at where property begins and ends not anything to do with do you want to take a survey over the telephone like Steven Spielberg did with his Animaniacs (using Rogers life as Market Research as though it were mine and our dad’s
doing Surveying in the sense of property lines with a transit)
Steven Spielberg was born in Cincinnati and his parents may have also been war criminals around Krakow Poland
We are not electrons and we are not telephone just because you can use cranial nerves to treat me like one for 25 years. Magnetism and PSI and Schroeder’s Cat Box is nothing but a torture chamber that “U” used to kidnap me and then planned to torture me to death saying I am Bradley broom with George Tirebiter causing bike tires to blow up
Roger was concerned with that since he wrote books at the college level on the subject and does consulting that requires Market Research I did that after Eric Schwing left Columbus at the lowest level of actually dialing phones for focus groups or calling people off of lists for surveys. I did not realize that someone like Neil was using me as though I were Roger. Neil had killed my chances of ever being an architect with psychological murder so I was forced to do a lot of things that really were not a career path. A succubus is not success! I think Roger saw something on the document before I was born that mentioned a succubus as in Lilith or Mary Magdalen
So was the model never finished for the girl gender and became a demon because of that? Why wasn’t it finished? Why did Eric say that I was someone that never finished anything? Creation is not Procreation nine months is a model, and Du Hexen Hase (You Witches HARE (Rabbit) is controlling the birth of the human race, but it has nothing to do with a pregnancy test and whether the rabbit dies or lives
The Three Hares Project is the Flower of Life and it controls births by Zig Zag god way
The Three Hares Project is the Flower of Life and it controls births by Zig Zag god way
I think this is in some way the same as the Flower of Life but they can tell when children are going to be born and what type of children they will be
They are still making one very important error there is not a female model of the human race which leaves all females open dying at once
Here is the GOD model for Males or A.D.A.M but not E.V.E.N.
Here is one other graphic for people that murder other people and use the cubit length of a persons arm from the elbow to the wrist, and left handed to blame me for it. Whether it is three arms or three legs it is same thing, and Neil used my left arm and then put a shirt sleeve on his head as though my arm was his in the soul sense of the word
Part of the Cagliostro Seal