In the movie there is a seen about the time Rod Steiger is caught and shot in which he makes a short speech, and almost starts screaming Fire and Air and then there is a quick pan to the wall that includes the glyph of Sagittarius the 9th sign of the zodiac. I think it is something that sums up what the problem is related to the human race and our family, in the Karmic were victims and I continue to be a victim
mom was used by gangsters, but not in the way most people think. She was used
because of the secret information that the Italian Mafia had been given from
the time it was started in the 1600’s, and only because of the Cagliostro
required to continue to do when certain royalty asked for help. In this case
the royalty in Germany that included Adolf Hitler, because Hitler was a part of
a royal family but was told he could not be because he was gay. If you are gay
you cannot help continue the family tree.
fact, I think, the whole Nazi Party consisted of children, then adults that had
lost their connection to their royal backgrounds because they were gay
started just a year after she was born. She never got a chance to live by her
sun since that was related to her overall chart as a Leo.
are girls and women that get that chance to at least try but our mom, despite
probably something that she really wanted to do, with Sun in the first house
was never allowed to be something she ever got a chance to do. Like Cinderella,
our mom had a wish to see her sun shine in the spot light in some way, but was
used by people like Elizabeth Taylor, our mom had boots that were probably sent
to her by mistake that were intended for Elizabeth Taylor because Elizabeth and
gangsters used her for identity theft in Dayton Ohio where George Bugs Moran
was at for a while and apparently fought it out with Al Capone, if the story is
true, during St. Valentine’s day massacre. She was used for all of the Betty
Lou Gerson movies as identity theft. She had a heart condition that caused her
problems at an early age and continued to cause her problems until she died due
to Rheumatic Fever. Her sun and Saturn also a limiting problem, in her first
house of early childhood, is in opposition to Uranus (Le fleur) in the 7th
house (gangs gangsters) She only got to be something related to her moon like a
lot a women but that has changed but for people (girls in particular) only the
ones from wealthy families ever got a chance around the time of our mom or
movie stars. Ones from Wales where the British royal families that might have
had a problem getting into the US at that time.
causing the Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf to be shown at Hartley proves what I
am saying is true after she died and
they waited until she died to live in our family even though they were not a
part in any of our family. Neil knew and he substituted that movie for National
Velvet before I was born and before he was born but the gangsters are required
to help people like Neil whenever he needs it because of the Cagliostro seal,
even if it is before he was born in 1948, at least that is what I was told
while they were living in our home and family. The one from wales also
participated in killing our mom when Pluto was conjunct her sun and Saturn in
the first house, Boston Strangler? Coughed in an oxygen
first house of self
ascendant is a very important on the planet earth because it makes the chart
personal without knowing the time of birth this particular part cannot be
determined most of time. It is also the basis for life on the planet because
since resurrection The Ram or Aries has been how the human race has been built.
It kind of suggests that it is where we are connected because it is a place
that, while everyone has a different ascendant or rising sign it is also
something we all have in common
you have Leo as the overall chart there is the throne and behind the throne
issue. You sort of do not belong to yourself. While Sun in Leo is supposedly
the best placement for the Sun because it is the placement to shine, and it is
associated with the king and queen, and being dramatic in some way, there is
something that controls the human race that makes it a problem
Sun does not have a real meaning in and of itself like Mercury or Jupiter
on the ascendant Leo ruler of the fifth house
our mom's chart Sagittarius is on the fifth house the natural house of Leo, and
Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius is in the 12th and conjunct Mars in Leo
the natural ruler of the first house in our mom's chart is in the 12th house
but also in the 12th house with Cancer on the cusp
sun, natural ruler of Leo is in our mom's first house and conjunct Saturn but
in the sign Virgo
problem with books, and yet it is the way it is, is related to Uranus all books
written by astrologers all say that Uranus is a mental symbol but in reality it
isn't it is it is Neptune being used by Uranus that makes Uranus mental it is
really only a mars or le Fleur connection that uses Neptune. Neptune is mental
because it is the ruler Pisces and Pisces is one of four signs that are mental
signs. The others are Jupiter and Mercury. When the tree of life was broken
Aquarius took part of Neptune and that is why it is that way on the planet
earth. The sign Aquarius is called the Water bearer but it is not a water sign.
This sign did not hold back the water of the flood it used the flood caused by
Fire to make it look like that is what happened but that is not the way it was really
in the 3rd house in Libra and rules the 12th house. The ruler of Libra sign on
the cusp is in the 2nd house of Virgo of values we have ruled by mercury in the
12th house
also rules the 10th house and Taurus.
Jupiter and Mars and Mercury and Neptune all in the 12th house of there is
definitely a focus on the 12th house of Karma unconscious things that happen
before you are born that continue to affect you the entire life. The things
associated with Neptune are hidden enemies (that can include vampires in more
ways than one) in our moms case it could even mean neighbors or brother and
sisters since the ruler of the 12th house is in the 3rd house
is in place where it normally is the ruler, but not in the ruling sign of
only other symbol related to a sign that is in its own house is Uranus in
Aquarius and opposing our mom's sun Saturn conjunction even though not in an
opposite sign in early Virgo and late Aquarius for Uranus.
there is Pluto in Cancer but in the 11th house and related by sign to the 12th
house but also related to the 3rd because Gemini on the cusp
that we cannot control is large factor in our mom chart. WHile she was alive
there were two world wars both sort of controlled by occult forces like what
Germany and Austria live by and then there is probition and an econimc
depression I think a Pluto related thing
there is the boots that came to our mom before I was born and something
mentioning about her family, and then the occult continued after I was born
with a document that had been translated was brought into our house that had
been translated from German to English
are three very important influences that relate to the 3rd house but it is the
power behind the thorn that controls them and that is what controls Hollywood
with the symbol of the Lion in just about everything they do as well as part of
the British coat of arms that has a Lion as half of the coat of arms with a
unicorn as the other part