No Hayneedle, I don’t think
Neil, I think, is repeating World War 2 except this time with plutonium. They came too late but were there only because I was born a Pisces and they are using dual rulership of Pisces that is Jupiter, not Neptune is the other ruler of Pisces
All the forgeries that Eric I guess, forged again to help were all related to the document Pam had convinced the sibling to look at. So who killed Sharon Tate? I did her chart and it is different than the one on the internet because of a mistake they might have done intentionally
There was a paragraph, I guess, even though I never saw it, and only people with the first name of Paul no last names. Can you understand how that makes sense to the person that did if there are only five people in the family and three are children why wouldn’t we call ourselves by our first names, only. So what did Eric Schwing forge on the document did he actually put my name on it or forge the guy that was Gay and Black to forge my name and then send hid ID to my address at 384 E Maynard which really happened. This is after he stole my unemployment checks and the State of Ohio caught him. Neil can me look like I killed even John Kennedy and Martin Luther King by doing that and I am sure that is exactly what he did. That guy that said his name was Paul Gates probably had lived in the same Tower as Jeffrey Dahmer Morrill Tower in OSU area
So what people did Neil put on the document that had the first name of Paul? What was their last name? Neil told the sibling that I could not see it even though in occult terms were the only way they found where we lived. So was Paul Tate on it before his daughter was killed?
I guess Pisces and Virgo are not really signs of the zodiac even though I was born a Pisces and Pisces rising also
The Marines, even though they might not care to admit were probably the cause of something at Pearl Harbor. My arm was moved, In Miami beach a place that the Gerson’s were not supposed to take me, as though I were a Kamikaze pilot and my arm was moving as though I were committing Hari Kari at 7 1/2 years old. Using transponders to bring the planes down on aircraft carriers in that area. That happened again on 9/11 2001 and flight 93 is just the mirror image of 39 the year World War 2 started. World War 1 would have been better when our mom was born and our dad
I think Neil’s parents brought together Al Capone and Adolf Hitler in Brazil. In fact, there is evidence to that being true because when I was about 5 years, and Pam Neil and Eleanor had just come to Ft Lauderdale from Boston they started saying we were in Brazil.
If our mom had received boots before the bomb was dropped in 1945, in 1944 because of National Velvet, but continued to do what she was supposed to do, but I was not born yet, and neither was the sibling in Columbus. What if the issue of three children, with Pisces being the youngest and the fact that children in royal families and their brothers are different than brothers in what are called even though they do not mean what it sounds like “nuclear families” In which brothers are just people born in the same family, with the same parents. Brothers in royal families could mean that there are brothers that might be born in Japan and say Germany that are brothers, India
Manjeet Bussi was wrong in telling me I was like a brother to him, just before he left the US as an exchange student, about the time our dad was dying as a retired civil engineer 1978. Manjeet was graduating from OSU as a civil engineer.
Everything that Eric and Al did even though I thought Eric was a good guy was for Neil Donnelly not me
Our mom tried to hint to without me understanding most of my life that she had been told that she could tell me something but then when Pam Neil and Eleanor, or around that time even though I did not know they were there, and I was confused as well our mom of being a part of the Gerson family, not the Gates family, in fact in occult terms our mom was confused with being Betty Lou Gerson until she died
So why did the Gersons tell me on the way to Miami (Al Capone had lived in Miami just after the St Valentine’s day massacre from 1931 until he was sent to Alcatraz but I guess was let out because he was going insane from a sex disease? So why did Paul and Ruth Gerson, when they took me to Miami even though was not what they told our mom as to where I was going, why did the say on the way to the Desert Inn that “Milton Berle lives there” Milton Berle had worked for Al Capone in Newport Ky during the Speak Easies days in Newport that was long before the Gerson’s said it to me, but you can see the mistake that started to be made because of Pam Neil and Eleanor and Neil’s parents that probably lived in Germany
Manjeet Singh Bussi
India now has Nuclear weapons but won’t sign the nonproliferation treaty like Korea
BME, BMS, College Engineering, Bangalore, India, 1970. Postgraduate in Civil Engineering, Ohio State University, 1973—1974
That would be the time period, but I did not even have a high school diploma and yet Eric Schwing who made Manjeet a roommate while we lived on 14th and then on 7th ave 135 West 7th Eric had the document but I did not know what it was and why it had anything to do with my life. I have not seen close enough to read anything off of it and Neil sent to Columbus and Knew where Lived. While Eric was there, who had parents that Army connections to Germany, he did only things to make me look like Neil such as saying I was the one that was told to leave 820 Critchfield road because I had CIA identification. I did not know what happened but Pam and Eleanor did along with Bryan. Neil told the sibling that had the document that was brought from Boston, and had Paul Hogan’s name on it because he had gotten in the US through the border with Canada Bangor Me, and Bangor Wales, same spelling different border. He had to show it to our dad when they were living in our house but I still did not know it existed and he was told that he could not show it to me as the youngest but not Al Capone that was dead then. Of course he could not show to Al Capone but I am not AL Capone and not a psychopath with Neil saying that on the side of the house in Plantation “This is how you become a psychopath” those were his exact words and bruises were down to the bone along with using a note that our mom had written in critical condition in the worst way to torture me and say it was time to go to school at midnight running feathers over my ears just the way someone that has been trained to torture would do
Manjeet Singh Basi looked like Osama Bin Laden who was a “terrorist and CIA agent but his family had more than 20 percent of Microsoft. What’s going on? Why, did two people in the music world die, in which one was a sex slave to Osama Bin Laden, and the other was the daughter to that person, both died in bathtubs? Why did they die?
I worked as a customer service rep for the last 20 years not very good but they allowed me and thought I could do the work. I started at Sears Industrial that was controlled from the time I answered the ad to the time Sears Industrial closed in about 2005.
I also towards the end worked as from home customer service rep and the company would either provide a computer or they would ask to use your home computer. They had the software and would ask you to install from the disc they sent or download it or already have it installed if it was their computer Citrix desktop that connects to their network they were the engineers that knew how to do it I did not know. The last place I worked was Hayneedle with headquarter in Nebraska, where I think JC was born that is Johnny Carson had been born and Ed McMahon was his cohost as a former Marine Colonial The marines stick together and Neil knew it from the time J C started on the show as host and before he had even gone in the Marines himself So there were two places as well that had headquarters that asked to use CITRIX desktops. Citrix desktops act as though they are the operating system while you are using them
Hayneedle was one and Star Tek was another Hayneedle at their headquarters in Nebraska had a Captain Nagle that supposedly been in the Marines for 13 years to become a Captain is that possible? I was yet to move to Anderson Township where Nagel is one of the main streets and where Rick Carters Funeral Ceremony, at a church on Nagel he had been an engineer with the Water Works utility while Paul Hogan before he left us had made was there but not there a new children’s play area called Water Works in which his picture in his Crocodile Dundee outfit on. Nagle is how you get to Stonegate where Sem Manor is located, but I did not know that yet. I was living at 2467 Madison and Gigi was living there even though I did not know her but I heard Sharon Webster mention her name at Sears Industrial and then one of the owners played fender guitar and was in band but would not really mention the name of it at least not in way I could hear what he said, J Marc Ericson,. There were telephone calls while I was there that went to Gigi telephone that caused her to stand out on her porch I did not even know her and did not even know her name part of time and yet she stood out on her porch and said the call was for me just after I had been at Micro Center and the call knew I had been there but she did not know what she was doing, but I am sure she was the same GiGi that was supposedly the legal outside of sears but Sharon knew who she was
The Monroe headquarters of Hayneedle is where I was told to go for the hiring process While I was there I found out that they had a million square foot distro center in the Los Angeles area now they have purchased about that many feet at the Monroe area and part of it might be related to Medical Marijuana. I definitely think the marines are involved in the legal marijuana area of the US
No syringes or needles in my arms or anywhere else Do the Hells Angels own Hayneedle?
I was dragged to the Cincinnati area but I guess Eric Schwing saw that would happen but said he was supposed to be here. I never saw the document that he had and I never saw the one that John Fine or the other two people at Madison House and talked to me one day as though I were in control of something but talking to me as though I were only about 7 years old. That I guess had happened in Ft Lauderdale getting on a St Anthony’s school bus I guess that is related to the sibling that was brought the document from the Boston area we don’t know because it is all occult that brings around the gates family Sacred Geometry only