A horrible mistake made against our mom before I was born and a person by the name of Eric Albert Schwing after our mom died
The incident that Eric Schwing and Al Gesenhues made, not Eric Flemming costar of Rawhide made, is related to the fact that Neil Donnelly ( I did not know that it happened) said my life was Neil Donnelly’s life. I was not told that I could not live at 820 Critchfield road anymore because I used CIA identification Neil was told that and for reason told the sibling out to a farm in about 65-66 time period to live on a farm in Pickerington Ohio. Neil and Eleanor had gone on cruises with the people in Pickerington and that is where he told the sibling to take him.
That is what Al Gesenhues told me using the “Pick” first syllable of the city Pickerington Ohio sometimes called “Pick Town” street language. But it is the reason they told me that I could live on a farm in northern Ohio. Neil was not a real CIA agent Santo Trafficante Jr (Tampa Florida) was a real CIA agent that Neil stole the CIA identification and the wallet from or else he allowed it to be stolen. So everything that was done while Eric Schwing was there was a lie.
Even saying I was our dad and the fact that he had trouble paying, as an engineer, for plastic surgery for a birth defect that I was born with as a child. I did not ask for "wish". Our mom asked for it, Pam Neil and Eleanor brought the document to Florida, knowing by means they don't care to mention where we lived Our mom gave up new clothes and new furniture after it was said that she could not get a “wish” fulfilled for plastic surgery when I was only about 7 or 8 years. The sibling, the same age as Pam they knew that ahead of time also peeking into our house from Boston, that is four years older than me, without even knowing there was a document, let alone know it was in our household in around 1957-58.
I did not know the document existed and still do not know it exists I have seen paper passed around and I saw Eric had some of that paper, but I still have not seen it close enough to read it or to convince myself that there are actual words on it
What else was wrong related to saying I guessed wrong is that they repeated in a sense that very incident of having trouble paying the plastic surgery bill They said it the bill was related to a bill I did not pay for cleaning out my ears and just across the street, on Lane Ave there was the apartment building where the guy that stole my unemployment checks that the State of Ohio took me to in state government car. So what they are saying it seems is that either that guy that was a black guy that either represented me was dead like Adolf Hitler who was Gay you had to be gay to be in the Nazi party that was forced out of the royal family because they were gay. Neil Pam and Eleanor had already done that with Adolf Hitler supposedly alive in the 1950’s In Florida. Steve Bridges rhyme “Whistle while you work Hitler is a jerk
Eisenhower has no power whistle while you work" being sung by all of the children that were in the same public school as Steve, who was then about 7 or 8 years old the same age as me. From the lyrics, it sounds wherever it came from that the person Hitler is still alive They have been doing that ever since they started in Florida because they were late and 1943 and the bomb dropped on Japan had already happened. IT even showed up in a movie by Elizabeth Taylor made in 1954 but said in the Roman numeral that keeps track of that stuff in Hollywood that the movie had been in 1944. Then it showed a mistake made in the movie where Elizabeth Taylor in a hospital room and there were people going in to visit her and it showed an oxygen tent and then they went out of the room and then went back in and the oxygen tent was gone. That was our mom’s death and the boots that Elizabeth Taylor was supposed to get were sent to our mom that is our mom that was 25 when Elizabeth Taylor was just 12 years old and did not fit. The last time I saw Paris was the title of the movie. That is also why the movie by Elizabeth Taylor titled “Who’s afraid of Virginal Wolf” was shown at Hartley but Neil did not say anything even though he was living in our house at the time and goi9ng to Hartley High in Columbus. This was after our mom and our dad’s only real wife died in 1962. About the time he was torturing and putting bruises on my arms and getting away with it because I did not know who they were, even using a note our mom left behind while in critical condition
Using ID that did not belong to them using a mom that was about to have a son born a Pisces and doing because Elizabeth Taylor and others were not allowed in the US. She is from Wales like Paul Hogan and Richard Burton.