What happened to Jimi Hoffa whose body has not even been found by all of the justice in this country, even now? That “what happened” that was asked of a sibling across the dinner table before and after he was purposely run over while working at UPS by a person asking the question who was then about 14 years old. I did not know why that was being asked because I just assumed that it was something personal to the person who lived with Pam (the same age as the sibling that is four years older than me) not eight years older like the oldest, I just assumed that it would be reasonable and for that reason it was none of business and yet the night the sibling was run over at UPS and spent the next six months in a cast I asked the question How did it happen? Pam and Neil acted like he deserved because he had been a victim of a succubus and Astral Projection and “saw” with whatever the eyes of Laura Mars are the death of John Kennedy. That what happened by the time Eric Schwing tracked me down as a spy as far as I can tell and also a traitor had been changed to a book by Joseph Heller titled “Something happened” but then I was not a victim of a succubus like the sibling and did not know nor have I ever had the eyes of Laura Mars to know what kind of thing was happening. The main character of Something Happened by Joseph Heller was a person with the last name of Slocum like the co-owner of the bike shop, not a motorcycle shop but a bike shop that was originally in the alley of OSU campus between 13th and 14th ave. Mr. Slocum that was only a co-owner for a short time, and had been in the Army and then broke the partnership with the sibling that had just graduated from OSU and had had a roommate not homosexual mate at Delta Chi fraternity that was an architecture major that was definitely not me I thought I could not even high school work let along college work and yet I really designed a rec center in high school on my own with any help from anyone. Mr. Slocum broke the partnership and said he was going to California I guess. I think he may have been the one that sent books written by the John Birch Society (part of Illuminati) and better known today as the Tea party in Congress Ron Paul or some name like that is a part of that party
So we all need to ask the question of where we came from and how I got here and realize absolutely it is not from flying saucers. If you like being whipped by the fire trinity that controls the human race then go ahead with your lives as they are if you do not like being whipped and kidnapped (I know I don’t) then you ought to consider something else. You may say that you are not whipped ( I am not talking about politics and races I don’t really think there are any just eugenics that convinces us there is) I am talking about being by being turned into zombies by what you think you can trust, until none of us know what we are doing. 300 hundred school shooting in the last 3 years in the US is a real example and that does not even include the other mass shootings that include 200 wounded and 50 killed at a Las Vegas casino
We can’t forget our Gorgeous George right the wrestler
George Tire Biter
Curious George
George Bugs Moran
George the tunnel not mentioned as the fourth tunnel in the great escape that doesn’t fit with the others of tom dick and harry that just seem to run together like the letter “W” in the US English alphabet then there is XYZ and then there is the “Y’ the 25th letter of the alphabet and related to 47 Chromosomes “the children”
What happened to the land in Monroe Ohio where there had been a distribution center for Hayneedle? I became a home customer service rep for Hayneedle in about 2010, when I was still living in Hyde Park at the address of 2467 Madison Road. Its now, that is when I was hired by hayneedle based in Nebraska where Johnny Carson was from, and one million square feet on the docks of Los Angeles is now being considered in Monroe Ohio as a new place to grow marijuana and claim it is being sold as medical marijuana because that is what the law in the state of Ohio allows. Even investors in Hyde Park at least that is what I heard on TV are considering doing that. And yet there was supposedly a company that was online for a while that was called Jet.com that was supposedly going to “beat” Amazon at their online game. While I was working from Home for Hayneedle there was supposedly a trainer by the name of Captain Nagel that had been in the Marine Corps for 13 years while he was training others from the Nebraska headquarters. I don’t know if you are familiar with Anderson Township I wasn’t until I was forced to live on Pebble Court in a HUD building there is the main street that runs off of Beechmont that has the name, Nagel and near Stone Gate where you turn to get to pebble I am temporally at Arbors of Anderson while Stone Gate Hud building is being renovated by the same construction trick Eleanor used in Superior Insulation and Dave Grossheim used like the Lee’s in Ravenwood
You have understood the idea of home customer service reps. Customer service reps that work at home are given a computer or asked to use their own computer, and then sent or told to download what was then a “Citrix desktop” using a database language that may not be used anymore. I don’t know because I do not have a tech or engineering, as a matter of fact, I never even graduated from high school. But that is an entirely different story because our dad not only graduated from high school during the economic Depression days of the US he graduated from college, as a matter of fact from the University of Dayton with a degree in engineering and may, I am not sure since our dad died in 1978, paid or worked his way through college because he was a master carpenter also and used that talent along with his civil engineering talent after he graduated in the 1930’s
I also have two siblings that not only have high school diploma’s they also have college degrees, in fact, one has an Ph.D. and taught at the University of Texas for about 20 years until he was able to use his consulting degree, and his ability to write books on Market Research for college-level courses, to earn a very good living for himself. The other sibling was born almost a master carpenter and has a degree in sociology. I wanted to be an architect and in fact designed a recreation center in high school, but that was the only thing I did because I sleep all through the other classes at Bishop Hartley High in Columbus to survive a psychopath living in our house and using violence behind our dad’s back, his real wife, and our mom had died, to get his way in our house. In fact, using any sort of humiliation of me in form of having one of my siblings laugh at me along with a person his same age that had come from Boston or Lynn mass. He used a fly swatter, just after our mom died in the house where we were living at 1458 SW 19th ave in Ft Lauderdale to do that. They had come around our house (they being Pam Neil and Eleanor all had signed a suicide pact before they came and the adult Eleanor had even changed her last name as though she was married to a seven-year-old (who called himself a warlock) by the name of supposedly this is not his real name because I don’t know his real name and neither does anyone in the US he went by the name of Neil Joseph Donnelly. He does not have identification and neither does Pam Donnelly not her real name either in the US and will never be able to have identification in the US because his real parents were war criminals and helped in the Holocaust along with the gypsies (Seti Roma) in Germany and Poland. The reason I say Poland because that is where most, if not all the holocaust victims came from despite being told in history books that it was only Jewish people. That would be impossible because most if not all of the Nazi Party was made up of Jewish people. Jewish people that were also “Gay” In fact it was required to be “Gay” to be a part of the Nazi Party, not the “not see “party the Nazi party I say that because I am the only one in the Gates family that has been required to wear glasses since I started in 1st grade even though schools did even notice it until I was in 4th grade, and I am the only person that is left-handed also. I forgot to mention the person, that was then about 35 to 40 years old and drove Pam Neil to Florida had a last name of Austin and it was on our dad’s death certificate when he died. Her name is listed as Eleanor Marie Austin, not Donnelly therefore she was never married to our dad after his wife and our mom died she seemed to think it was ok to be married to what amounted to a seven-year-old until our dad supposedly married, what we and I thought was most of my life until after I was 40 years old Eleanor Marie Donnelly. That was never her name either. So does that make her traitor to the US and if it does how about Pam Donnelly (not her real name either) and how about Neil himself? Can’t the justice system that includes the FBI do anything anymore? I guess if a relative of AL Capone can get the FBI to investigate Frank Sinatra I would say they can’t. I would also say so for whatever J Edgar Hoover was. According to reports, whether they are true or not may be irrelevant today since he does have his name as a memorial on a building in Washington DC today. That, by the way, is the way that three people that came from the Boston area had their money. They made by using money laundering, and fraud construction companies to cover up for the United Fruit Company (cocaine cartel originally based in the Boston area) Then disguised behind Chiquita Banana for about 50 years in the US with headquarters right here in Cincinnati Ohio until they moved to North Carolina in about 2005 and then out of the US just after Carl Lindner admitted it was true just before he died. He was the CEO of Chiquita Banana with Banana Plantations in Columbia as a part of Chiquita’s International Headquarters in Cincinnati. Eleanor even suggested in the 1950’s or around the 1960’s when I first had contact with her, with a sibling then about 16 directing our dad where to go to get to where they lived in Davie Florida. Just after our mom died by the name of Betty Louise Peffers, before she was married, and Betty Louise Gates not Gerson after she was married until she died on March 20, 1962. That night, by the way, my first encounter with Pam Neil and Eleanor (I had not turned even 12 yet because I was not allowed to visit our mom in critical condition because I was not 12 years old that night that we went over to their house our dad’s leased car after the company he worked for had changed their name twice the first being Concrete Pipe Products to then American Marietta then Martin Marietta that night our dad’s leased car through Martin Marietta as a tech service engineer and plant manager was stolen and never recovered. It was the car that he had driven to Cape Canaveral after the Martin Company had been involved with the space program but convenient for traitors to the US to use, and they did through NASA security. I always lose my original thought when I am attempting to write since I cannot even write a sentence but the other is that I am combining the big picture with what really happened as I am writing a big picture I had no idea was true until the last 20 years of my life. Eleanor suggested the cocaine cartel as the way they were making money by mentioning seats for bicycles that suddenly became fashionable about the time that she called banana seats. They, I am sure was manufactured outside the US by a way of manufacturing that no manufacturing even today can beat. How it is done I am not sure but I have seen some of the things they can manufactured, and let me tell you it is as though GOD had manufactured the ite, not people. The beginning of spring and the origin of the Easter holiday (Holyday) until maybe the last 100 years. But don’t ever mention that you might be considered a pagan and we can’t be that kind of person right?
If you are familiar with what the real meaning of what fundamentalist call Jesus Christ, and realize that Jesus Christ was not even a person and was a made up name based on the Greek letters Itchys, which along with the letter “W” looks like witches but in fact is a 27 letter acrostic. That 27 letter acrostic poem is every letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the 5 that mean more than one thing. So it is an entire set of babel books made into an acrostic poem using the first letter of every word that makes up the alphabet as the beginning and ending as they say using atbash (Sabath) Latin to say it is from the last letter and the first letter but Hebrew is read of right to left not from Left to right like the English language. Golem (Model) change the “g” to a “d” and change the order of the letters. I don’t think the real marriage partners related to the 7th house cusp the real model of the female gender was ever finished they are using transgender as a substitute and have been using that for a long time along with the Flower of Life or Le Fleur. Our real soul mate in the form of the female gender was never finished Pumpkin time of the year when witches and demons and spiders and skeletons come out Halloween has something to do with resurrection of the human race and part of that resurrection is not just the 7th house cusp and Libra Adam and Evening it also has to do with Aries the other sign ruled by Mars not just Scorpio which has been used so much they have left out the fact that Aries has to do with Arms of the human race. Literally, the creation of arms for the human race and the forearm (not four arms) called the cubit that runs from the elbow to the end of the middle finger. Why do we put rings on our fingers related to the left hand path but it is the right hand path that is controlling us doing so. They can’t get into to heaven (even) unless they make themselves look like the left hand path and for that reason the bottomless pit is off limits, and that is what controls neurophones today