George Tirebiter “Don’t crush that dwarf hand me the pliers” I am that Dwarf according to Neil He started by hitting me over the head with a fly swatter just after our mom died and laughed about it while he was doing at 1458 They came over once without knowing who they were before we moved to the “new” house in Plantation Florida of 5251 SW 4th court. Our dad asked me to paint a deep sea diver in the screen in patio because he was trying to support me drawing of Big Daddy Ed Roth drawing that he was putting on T-shirts at the time and he thought that I had enough talent to do that I told him I did not think I could and yet that same thing has shown up in Rozerem commercials that is a sleep medication that is stil prescribed by doctors but did not work for me because the torture from the inside out has terrorized me so much I am not able to sleep at all and it was planned by Neil with bruises and feathers over my ears to start with at age 12 when he was in our house at 5251 after he had hit me over the head with a fly swatter and about the same time that the sibling was run over because Neil was controlling the Teamsters Union and UPS union at that time and put Mike and his left leg not his left arm that was taken by Neil not broken but controlling my life and every choice I was ever going to make on his head while the sibling left leg put him in a cast all the way up around the area of an X ray and the very top of his thigh
The many faces of George and what he has done to the Gates family. Those faces include even a person by the name of “George” Bugs Moran who went to Dayton and caused one of our mom’s sibling sisters to be pregnant and that caused our mom’s sibling to be her mom
Her astrological chart, based on the birth certificate I was just able to get after about 40 years of trying. I taught myself astrology in the 1970’s which required me to get my birth certificate from the state of Florida. At the same time I requested from Dayton Ohio all of the other 4 people in the immediate Gates, that is, our mom, dad and two siblings of Mike and Roger.
I got mine through the microfiche from St Anthony’s hospital because the state of Florida doesn’t, at least at the time I was born, does not put the time of birth on their certificates.
When I got the birth certificates for our mom, dad and the two siblings Mike and Roger I received a short note stating they could not send our mom’s because it had been handwritten and for that reason was not “legible”. I sort of stopped teaching myself, and since I am not a professional and am really ignorant when it comes to an agency like the bureau of vital statistics I just assumed that was the way it was so I would not be able to get our mom’s certificate.
In the last 20 years with Temple of the Screaming electron torturing me night and day I decided I had to try to understand why this was happening while it is torturing me from the inside out every day and really still is as though I am a telephone or an electron rather a person with ears and eyes and a nose and hands to touch like everyone else. I did not understand why Susan (Ramsey) (maiden name) Nelson (married last name), who had gone to Reed College, suddenly moved into Maynard ave apt 1, when I lived in apt 2, in the 1980’s. I had been living in that apartment for over 15 years when she started living there and one day said she knew Paul Hogan. I could not figure out what she was talking about I did not have anything to do with some movie star that for the most part I barely recognized the name of
She started walking around the neighborhood talking out loud as though something was causing her to do so. I have had to do that for the last 25 years of my life so I guess she knew that was going to happen to me
In the meantime, long before at 20 years before that I was taken, by Pam Donnelly, to go see the original opening of the movie the Great Escape as a birthday present from Pam who I was told was an adopted child then 16 who started living in our house after our real mom died in 1962. Why she took me to see the movie I did not know but now I do have some idea of what the point of the movie was and have noticed several things in the movie that normally do not pertain to average people in average neighborhoods like the skull and crossbones on the right headlight of the car that drives into the POW camp at the beginning and the “P” on the other headlight
Kind of like this
Kind of like what is on the wings of the “Fly” in the spider mouth or the Hob in the hobgoblin the “Legs of the goblin” or Krakin sounds like Krakow but not quite the same
The entire movie was dedicated to the 50 people that were rounded up and killed murdered with a machine gun. That part really happened and it was done by the Gestapo with headquarters in Prague Czechoslovakia. Or as Neil would say it Prague or just Frog. Neil and the “children’s mother” are connected to Czechoslovakia and there are things in that area that I just do not understand but can only look at them because the public internet is available. But then there are the tunnels that were built to escape from the POW camp. Why were there only three tunnels mentioned of Tom Dick and Harry? Why not George? Is there really something around in the form of the Gestapo and witches (wish or fish is the same word as Witch) and someone took one of the fish of creation and that is where Neil and witch connection is at and how they know when a Pisces is born especially one with Jupiter (Jehovah Yahovah YHWH Fire and Air trinity connection for them even though Neptune rules Pisces not Jupiter which is the ruler of religion and is the origin of the resurrection and Jewish all religions not just Jewish but all religions both eastern and western all come from Jehovah or YHWH 153 or 135 Aries Gemini and Leo and mirror image of that of 7 9 11 all fire including nuclear fire and the cause of the first holocaust in the bottomless pit that destroyed the water and earth trinities
So there is George again and then there was Bradley Broom that lived in our neighborhood that they sent part of the document to and told him that he, and his family could have a free house if they did one thing and that was the day Bradley purposely took his bicycle to the corner Standard Oil station before it was sold to British Petroleum, and filled up his tires to 100 pounds and then walked his bike back where he knew he would run into me on 14th Court the Street Steve Bridges lived on with his dad and mom Maurice was his dads name and he had a younger sister by the name of Debbie who almost died choking on a fish bone. He walked the bike back and exactly the same time he said he had put 100 pounds of air in both tires they blew up. I am sure there was some trick to that because it would not have happened that way if there was not some invisible intervention that caused to happen at that very moment. PSI pounds per square inch that is what someone George Tirebiter planned to use and it is the math symbol used in an equation by Schroeder in Schroeder’s Cat Box and while the symbol at least most of the ones I have seen on the internet look like Neptune they are not anything like what Neptune is in astrology. Neptune or the real XP broken tree of life is related to everlasting life. Jupiter which is what resurrection from Ancient Egypt and the Sphinx (Spring Equinox) is only related to viruses plagues instead of everlasting life so our DNA includes all the viruses that will eventually kill the entire human race. The sixth cranial nerve also called the Polio nerve was caused by Neil and his way in the 1950’ that almost killed all of the children then but there was something that stopped that from happening
Then there is, in Tampa Florida just 17 miles from St Pete a place called Haxen or Hexen films Hexen or Haxen means Witch So I guess Du Hexen Hase means you witches hare or Rabbit Hare means rabbit, not Hair. That film company has been there since the 1920’s and made a deal with Al Capone who was in Brazil with the royalty that included Adolf Hitler (schicklgruber Deep Hole meaning of their last name) for a deal that because they had helped the secret societies at least 16th century France MAFIA the acronym I guess means something like Murder all French at least that is the way I saw it on the internet I have forgotten what the two last letters connect. But French royalty was the target and I even found something that I have now that says all of the mind control and it uses that word and I printed off the internet about 10 years ago is all related to Louis XVI who in some way at least a part of his Leo royal family built the Chartres Cathedral
So curious George mentioned in Georgia a reference to George again and the place where our dad and his new position as plant manager and tech service engineer started going downhill in Ft Lauderdale another reference to “George”
So I finally after 40 years of waiting and trying just about two years ago to get our mom’s birth certificate again and being told the same thing again finally got it why now and why someone is controlling my life that way is too much to overlook
So I got the birth certificate and it is handwritten, which may mean the birth was at home, but it is very readable and it says our mom was born at 5 AM on August 29 1919
I know from looking at the chart that there is a problem related to the 12th house in her chart with Cancer on the cusp, Cancer is always related to family matters and the 12th house can be related to something hidden. So the ruler of Cancer is the Moon and it is in the 3rd house of siblings in her family. I am sure with Neptune just a degree from exact conjunction of her ascendant in Leo that Prohibition and the Mafia and their long history of “helping” the children and Neil’s family tree and his parents arranging the meeting in Brazil probably with Al Capone and Adolf Hitler and the “Boys of Brazil” that is the deal and it matches exactly with prohibition starting and the plan for the temperance leagues to get it passed and outlawed in the US so someone specifically an organization could make lots of money. That is how George Bugs Moran is related to one of our mom’s siblings and how our mom is the daughter of one of her sisters no longer living
If you know Astrology it is pretty clear that is a real possibility with also a triple conjunction of Neptune Mars and Jupiter conjunct the ascendant. That is also why our mom got boots that did not fit her related to the document that was in our family that Pam brought from Boston. Our mom showed the boots to Mike because he had the document I just happened to be sitting next to them but had no idea why they then that they were being shown. I am sure they were boots intended for Elizabeth Taylor that was given to our mom she was 12 when she did National Velvet and had a horse given to her by the name of pie. Why did Neil have, long after 1944 when organized crime started getting involved in Hollywood why did Neil have an Elizabeth Taylor movie shown to all of Hartley titled Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf shown for> How did Neil get into the US he is not a US citizen and can never be a US citizen, and there is not going to be another Sherwood Forest around this area even though there is a City of Forestville and an area of Sherwood that runs from five mile to Salem road
Swastika supposed to be a symbol of good luck everyone that was a part of the Nazi party had to be Gay to be in it
Here is her chart
One other thing Jack Nicholson had a similar thing happen he was the son of his sister because of a 3rd house problem in his family
This is not intended to make our mom look bad. In fact just the opposite
Her heart (Leo rules the beating heart) had been a problem from the time she had Rheumatic fever. In fact, the death certificate says that is the reason for her death and yet she coughed in an oxygen tent and it was mentioned in an Elizabeth Taylor as a mistake in the filming of the movie. They show a person going in a hospital room in the movie "the last time I saw Paris" and there is an oxygen tent laying on a table or something like that and then the person leaves the room and no other thing showing that there might be a reason for the oxygen tent, and then they come back into the room and the oxygen tent is not there
Her name is spelled Bettie on the certificate. Something related to Peffers caused her to start collecting salt and pepper shakers. One wonders why she did that. Peffers name might also be related to spices and salt and pepper but did she do it because she felt like she really wasn’t a part of that family