Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I am an amateur Astrologer that started teaching myself in the 1970’s when Uranus (Le Fleur) was transiting my Neptune (ruler of my chart) in my 7th house. At that time, on the OSU campus (forced to move to that area even though I did not even graduate from high school) there were a few teachers of Astrologers that put out flyers around the campus saying that they were offering free classes.
The first one I went to was a black person that lived in Victorian style houses (they had a lot of those then I think most have been torn down now. You see I was forced to move from Columbus after our dad was forced to move back to Ohio where he was born (Dayton). After the Ghouls took over our family just after our mom and his only wife died on March 20, 1962 (Easter or at least where Easter used to be as the spring equinox) Would you know that the vampires would call our house just after she died using the spider to do so and ask the question “Is Easter Lily Gates there”. She was the board of elections president at the time and someone the Gersons dealt with a lot I am sure because they were hired to get a person elected as Sheriff of Broward County around the time that Gangsters already controlled the Sheriff’s department in South Florida. This is all background to help someone understand why what happened in Columbus happened even though I knew nothing about it most of my life. So when I went over to the black girl’s house on 18th Avenue between Indianola and Summit there was someone waiting there that was a complete stranger to me but he had told her something like I was coming over to kill her because she was black. She in return said to him that and this is an exact quote of what she said: “he does not have a violent bone in his body”. This is something that took me another 40 years of my life there a ghoul that started living in our house in 1962 that had and still has my destiny in his       back pocket that can always tell before I make any life choice what that life choice is going to be and be there, and have control of that place or person before I go there and contact that place or person and that even includes medical doctors that make life and death decisions about my life. He, and his family tree, and the witch third fish in Pisces you can spell witch also as wish or fish since the 1300’s or 14th century when they caused the Popes to take a vow of chastity (married to god) and turned the entire human race into something resembling an electric circuit (Labyrinth) That is what the entire mystery of that area of France and Blue Apples at Noon is related to C.I.R.C.U.I.T as an acronym. If they have one of the fish (witch Du Hexen Hase “You Witches Hare Rabbit) then they can tell even when a Pisces is going to be born especially one that has Neptune in the 7th house of Marriage. God never finished the model of EVEN sometimes called Eve so they have used that for the book of numbers and gambling and control of gambling (ODDS ADAM and EVEN) instead of creating the female gender related to the 7th sign of the zodiac and marriage instead they choose to do transgender and have done so since the story of ODDOM AUTUMN’s rib was used to create the first EVE (N). I guess for transgender surgery they have to take one of the bones related to the rib cage out so that guy looks like a girl with a thin waist
That is how our mom got something sent to her before I was born the youngest in the Gates one of three children and really never anything to do with Market Research Neil Not Neil Ave, not Neal Hicks used Roger’s life as though it were mine most of my life to say I was never born. Roger, I think talked to Neil before our mom died and mentioned or pointed to something on that document related to the KKK. I did not know that for over 50 years, and I still do not know conclusively because neither Roger nor Mike has mentioned or had someone else tell me that. What someone doesn’t see through the “world” according to Neil and his family tree and for that matter Bryan and Pam and her husband Mike Chernovetz is not a geographic area or the world does not consist of the 5 people in the Gates family or even the Paul Hogan or Paul H Gerson Jr and Sr and Ruth or Eric Schwing coming to Columbus (I did not know Eric Schwing the entire time he was in Columbus or even David Svetlick the world is this. Those two fish tied together
I did not understand why Roger Gates pulled off the things he did with his Stranahan Friends but Neil did even I did not know Pam Neil and Eleanor even existed then let alone just a few miles away and had come from Boston and had talked to Paul H Gerson Jr before they came and Pam talked to Paul H Gerson Jr (grandmother in Italy) all the time without me even knowing it in 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th grades. Roger burned a cross with his then Stranahan friends at night time without our mom knowing it by making it out of two by fours and then putting gasoline or something on it and putting in the front yard and then lighting it and driving away until our mom came out and saw it. She was scared at the time and then Roger came back with his friends and drove into the driveway and laughed even though I did not understand and the sibling that might have had the document by then did not tell me and he could not understand that the same people that were, or maybe there was a person or entity that was watching everything told our mom that the sibling had brought the document into our house and hid it in the bedroom he started sharing with Roger He blamed me at the time with “you just wait for Paul you’ll see what happen’s”I don’t think that was meant exactly the way it was said but I did not understand why I was blamed for something I did not know anything about or even understand what he was talking about. I had just started school at the time and could not read because no one knew I needed glasses to see. So how would that be for someone that is only 7 or 8 years old by itself  not including the Stranahan students that Neil put on the bus intended for children but they were teenagers knowing who I was and laughing at me when I got on the bus for St Anthony’s before OLQM was finished as a new school

The origin of the word Halloween is related to the resurrection of the human race 
The female gender was never finished 

This may be part of the model for gender but only one gender

I am not your Pumpkin. That is the 7th house cusp that was never finished because God never created a female gender you took it and created the book of numbers instead and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The Story of Jonah includes September and the 7th house cusp Jonah according to something I found on the internet translates from Hebrew to English as Dove or Pigeon I am Pigeon Toed and Neil knew that before our mom died and Neil Pam and Eleanor and then Bryan with “Y” not with “I” as in Brian Piccolo, who was a teenager and a person that went to school with Roger at Central Catholic before they changed the name to St Thomas in 1960. That is what the sibling with the document said was his Roll “MODEL”(GOLEM I think they use letters of the alphabet anyway they want so what would be a small “g” should be a small “d” and then the order of the letters is changed and Golem becomes model)  as baseball player even though he is known today even as a football player because he needed a scholarship with the grades to choose what college he could go to remember you made two versions of Brian’s (Brains? song        

Haxen films in Tampa controlled Santo Trafficante Jr controlling gaming in Florida had parents in Sicily MAFIA and was a CIA agent also. Haxen films and Prague Czechoslovakia controlled the state of Florida from at least the 1920’s Czechoslovakia was where Gestapo headquarters was at during the second world war that seemed to know where people were at even though they did not know them. Does that sound familiar? That was even mentioned in the Great Escape they knew where the people that escaped from a POW camp were after they escaped   
David Svetlick said his Uncle Seed (le Fleur) was why he was in Ft Lauderdale in about 1958 Eric Schwing, who did not go to Colorado I guess, said he worked at a Flower Mill for the summer (Le Fleur)   

In a way this might even be related to what the "Listener" really is supposed to be not Linstening Inc with Gillis Patrick Flanagan patent Shrunken Heads 

This might be included as their world also. A world built on soulless people

See the zodiac signs

Or maybe three fish tied together or Shrunken Heads tied together as in Voodoo in New Orleans where the Le Fleur is everywhere. That is their Flower of Life and using my spine as though it is their Jacobs Ladder

That is what caused our dad and mom and Mike and Roger (as too young to do anything else) to move to St Petersburg where I was born they knew I was going to be born and they knew where because Haxen Films was just 17 miles away and what might have been a place Al Capone was at during prohibition. That is also what took over Concrete Pipe Products and turned it into American Marietta and then Martin Marietta and where our dad had been convinced to take us to Tampa in the 1950’s because he said “new management” had said he could use their house on Tampa Bay for a vacation for the week in the 1950’s. That is where he said to me that he wanted that big one like the fish I caught in the canal we lived on in Ft Lauderdale