5251 SW 4th Court Plantation Florida
At that house, there was a covered patio that our dad, without anyone else on the patio at the time, asked me to paint a deep sea diver in one of those diving suits. The reason he asked was the fact that I was drawing and spending a lot of time doing it. So he asked and I said I couldn’t
The medication Rozerem that is a sleep medication that is intended for people with insomnia show in one of their commercials a deep sea diver in the background. Why is the name Rose included in the name of the medication?
Who was Ruth Alhigt (she said to me one day (about 10 years than me) not my choice but Eric was acting like Columbus Ohio was Manson's Spahn ranch bringing back people off the street) she said to me that "they were going to pull the rug from out from under you" and she was one of those people (how did he know where I lived at the time) that was from the area of Florida that Eric Schwing brought back to an apartment one day? Why did she say she knew Leonard Skinner the band at the time before they purposely got on a plane that they knew was going to crash because of mechanical problems?
In 1963, just after our mom died on March 20, 1962 and just after the first time Neil came over to our house at 1458 and hit me over the head with a fly swatter, and just after the movie Psycho came out with the final line of Norman Bates of the Bates, not the Gates Motel said “I won’t even swat a fly” in a girls voice, we started living in the same house at 5251 SW 4th Court and our dad put telephones in all the bedrooms and the kitchen, there was a call that came to the bedroom I shared with Neil not knowing he was probably a 47 Chromosome problem and he answered a call and then after the call ended repeated it to me. He said what you get if you cross a Rhino with an Elephant and then he said “Hell If I know” That was supposedly what the caller said in 1963 just after, or around the time of the Kennedy Assassination.
He had done the same thing to Pat Sloane because Roger and Pat were about to get married. Here is what theirs was: What if Ella Fitzgerald married Alan Font her name would be Ella-phont. The same type of jokes that ended up being used on Rowan and Martin's Laugh about 10 years before Laugh In started
So it seems they controlled the Cincinnati Zoo to make the logo for the Cincinnati Zoo a Rhino and were probably responsible for causing that child to end up in the Gorilla area and then having to shot the gorilla
Don’t forget, a movie in which Bill Murray was the star and his son, recently was assistant basketball coach was Dumbo Drop, an animated character not a real elephant but nevertheless an elephant. Then there was the movie Caddy Shack about a guy that is a caddy and tries to get rid of all the gophers all day long filmed partially on location at Plantation Country Club
What about Flower the Skunk or a similar creature called a Civet Cat like a Skunk that was responsible for spreading the SARS virus. The Flower of Life again
The day it was being said in our house that Paul did not work and the only Paul our house and family was familiar with was me even though I did not know what was being argued about our dad asked me to help sweep the car port, and our mom (his wife) and the sibling that then had been given the document that had Paul’s name on it so everyone assumed that it was they had heard about and our mom saw in Dayton before I was born, but it wasn’t it was the document related to the Kennedy Assassination so our dad said look Paul works he is helping me with sweeping the Car port but there was a smell on the car port that smelled like a skunk, but our dad said was a civet cat, but at the time our dad because of something I had said about the sibling inside the house thought that might be related to me telling our dad and our dad asking the sibling to leave the room for gas, but it wasn’t it was the civet cat or Flower the Skunk that was not living in our house yet
I think the Sars virus is going to be much worse than people think with the other part of it Mers Mid-Eastern version of the same virus
The sibling and our mom behind my back at the time tried to get the plastic surgery paid for with the document that said there was some wish I was entitled to. But wishes on that document, at least now and after about 40 years of my life in one form or another without knowing what Eric Schwing was or Paul Hogan or any document to look at or even John Fine in Madison house or the two other people that had the damn thing in the front of the building, I have concluded that Paul is the Apostle Paul not related specifically to a person at all that is in some way related to the sign Pisces with the symbol of Pisces, at least in most zodiacs as two fish (that could be wish also) bur but one of the fish related to Pisces has been taken away because there were originally three instead of two it was taken and the sign Aquarius Leo was created off it Call me a FAIRY PUFF YOU ARE A PILE OF SHIT FAIRY COULD BE FIRE AND AIRY OR the trinities of Fire and Air
But at least a 9 year old and our mom, when I was only about 6 were both trying to help anyway they could with a document even PhD’s mostly probably could not interpret so how were we even though I have never seen it supposed to interpret it. Aries Aquarius Scorpio
Paul Hogan is an Aries and lived in Bangor Wales there is a city of the same name called Bangor Maine in the US right on the border of Canada and the US. So how did a document that may have been given to Paul Hogan end up in Pam Neil and Eleanor’s hands
What about the Republican Party Elephant Is that the Voting Booth with a child around it?