Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trick or Treat Dirrty Feet

So I don’t know if the Jack O Lantern above is an evil eye or a third eye But I am sure it was intended for me to see. Is it spying since Eric Schwing was hired by the person that controls this area and Eric was told to go to Anderson Township I guess but left with the Marines instead       
I am not Eric Albert Schwing picked up by the Marine Corps and taken to Maryland and lives in Virginia today, and may have had a wife that was in the Shining Path
In the 1970’s and  sibling, four years older than me, not the oldest or the dad of us that had said I guessed wrong, but me, and some gay guy that lived on Lane Ave not Shady Lane where I lived for a while. That is me Paul D Gates not rue Paul that went to OSU and may have even lived in Lincoln, or Morrill tower around the time Jeffrey Dahmer lived there. But the state of Ohio caught him and took to where he lived on Lane Ave across the street from an actual doctor’s office where I did not pay the bill for cleaning out my ears not plastic surgery that our dad as an engineer had trouble paying even with insurance for all of his children. There was a mention of a wish to pay for the surgery that the sibling said to our mom who had seen the document in Dayton, but I guess there was another version brought to Florida. But this version had a forgery I guess that included people by the name of Paul and that sibling was convinced that all he had to do is look at that paragraph and he could find something about me on that paragraph. I think the paragraph at least included the Paul that was Sharon Tate’s dad, and Paul Allen CEO of Microsoft and graduate of Reed College. Used against me when I went on a trip to Florida after Sears Industrial closed in about 2005. I used the severance pay from Sears to go to Florida and for some reason decided to stay at The Sun Spree Holiday in Tampa. There I saw signs of things I had never noticed because I was not aware of the document that Eric had or the one that the sibling had
But I had been victim of Neil’s nightmare because he was put in the same bedroom as me just after our mom died. I guess I suffered so badly from Neil’s bruises and using our mom’s that is our mom that had died in March of 1962 in which she requested a sibling to wake me up for school Neil got it and used it for torture waking me up at 12 AM and saying it was time to go to school, our mom had just died. Because of the sacred geometry no one was familiar with the document and Neil just manipulated everyone to get his and use the Evil eye against us. By the time I even knew there was anything I was being tortured by Temple of the Screaming Electron and continue to be     
 IT did not include me despite what he was told and he never told me he even had the document. But I guess did show it to Eric Albert Schwing without knowing that it was being done        
              had told a person hat had come to Florida in the 1950’s, that he could not do this anymore because he was getting married, the same person who did not have US citizenship but claimed he was a CIA agent, hired quickly someone to come to Columbus to stalk me in a sense   

In case you cannot see the blurry picture above the Pumpkin has a 3rd Eye. The Gates family does not think that 3rd eyes are real. The only Gates household person with a chart not the model of the human race of 270 days and the 9th sign of the human race Sagittarius. An individual chart is not the model of the human race. The model is just the labyrinth of 270 days. Half Horse and half human. But there are two problems blaming the human race and me looking at that way and also the castle and royal family way of kidnapping sisters on Halloween was a tradition in
Castles because there is no model for girl children on the planet earth. There is a model for Adam but not for Even, and I think that is why part of the problem continues to be a problem AUTUMN is the same as ADAM. So Fall is the problem and the fact that there is not a model for girl children and maybe caused by the fact that the planet earth needs gender and creation did not know that because they were creating as though the human race were not on the planet earth but somewhere like the planet or like the bottomless but not on the planet where gender is everything
The jester used to come to town and steal the girl child in the royal family, at Halloween time, without the boy child knowing it. Then when it came time to marry someone in the royal family the then to be king would look for a marriage partner (7th house and sign Libra AUTUMN EVE Adam eve) they would marry their sister by mistake and the trick that had been done with the jester would take what the royal family, and i guess it would lean the family tree towards the queen rather than the king

But they never dealt with the real problem of not have any girl gender model. Just an example of something that has been spread all over the internet and is wrong related to models being related to fashion models, instead of Kabbalah models, like Twiggy the water skiing squirrel (fashion model Jean Shrimpton) instead of our mom doing something in our house one day before she died. I had no idea what she was doing and why she went out and got a model of squirrel and put it together with glue. A representation for something that was in our oak tree not Twin Oaks Commune. The water skiing squirrel would not be until after our mom died and we went to Whiskey Creek and Pam and Neil laughed at me all day and Pat Sloan said see how far you went even though I fell on my face after about 50 feet water skiing for the first time  

Another example of the people that were around at the time that thought they really knew from the Boston area even though I did not know they were there is related to Neil (then about 7 years old) i am two years than Neil asking our dad at Concrete Pipe Products about his son that was barefooted and he said he was "pigeon toed" which I am because my feet are turned inward when I walk

The story of Jonah and the whale refer to that very thing in the sense that the word Jonah translated from Hebrew to English means dove or pigeon                      

Trick or Treat Dirty Feet
There is a scene in Sherlock Holmes movie Spider woman in which a child takes off his shoes and socks and was an assistant to Spider Woman. But that person was not me, but I did not know why I started taking off my shoes and socks and walking barefooted. In the movie the assistant started catching flies Neil taught the dog he brought to Florida to catch flies in his mouth the dog started bleeding internally and died of a brain hemorrhage just after we moved to Columbus ohio in 1964   
Those are words I said when I was about eight (not ate) years old in Ft Lauderdale and for some reason was walking around barefooted 1958-59
A sibling, not the brother or sister in castles that became a tradition in royal families, and how, I guess, Halloween got started.   

If someone would like I will mention all the babysitting incidents that Neil used against me from the time I was about 8 years old and a girl  child about two came over for the weekend, but I did not understand until the time in the 1960’s when I supposedly raped a person that was a child but I was still considered a child in the eyes of the law and Neil did it with his broomstick The real reason or the babysitter being the problem as in waiting for a stick called the baby  1960’s not the 1990’s 

I am not a homosexual or gay but Neil got the stick from a royal family that had broken off because they were all Gay and could not do anything for the royal family as in procreation of children. That is where Neil comes from and his royal family related to Hitler. If you would like to read about Joe Cole go to the site Rob Fish and see the Sheriff’s report that Neil had written up in the 1960’s where most of the sheriff’s department is made up of former Marines. A Sheriff’s department that is all over the place except they do not have the approval of any cities and for that reason I do not think they are allowed to be in law enforcement the Charter in 1941 in Ohio states that the organization is only allowed to teach law enforcement not practice NSA National Sheriffs Association   
Our dad was an engineer not Manjeet Bashi and exchange student that was arranged in Columbus in the 1970’s by someone like Neil who hired Eric Schwing he was a Civil Engineering student and our dad was close to dying in the 1970’s but our dad was not India he used India Ink for calligraphy We also did not make the mistake of using digital phone calls and not include analog telephone calls that were being put in the spider at the time NEPTUNE RULED CHART IS NOT THE MODEL OF THE HUMAN RACE THEY ARE Making the mistake because they don’t have a model for the girls gender on the planet earth

I did not cause the Polio epidemic but the diaphragm. Paralyzed from the waist down not a broken neck "hard to breathe" Neil caused using the Polio Nerve. The Albert Sabin foundation was created about 1993 in Cincinnati  

The second Darpa Project is focusing on creating a 47th chromosome for Autistic

The first Darpa Project related to the drug Thalidomide was a problem of children born without legs o0r arms but also without ears our dad had plastic surgery done on me for a birth defect of ears when I was about 7-or 8 years old I did not know why I was going in the hospital at the time   
I was never autistic there was a movie made called Punkin with Sorority sisters adopting a child sort of but not really that was autistic 

UR 754=16  

Neil wore something like this after using my left arm as though I were a kamikaze pilot that though that Hari Kari was about killing someone next to you with a knife He had the Gerson take me to Miami Beach lying to our mom of where they were taking me in 1957, 14 years after John Kennedy’s Pt Boat was run down in the Solomon Islands and a part of the continent of Oceana mentioned in 1984 book. Australia is included as part of that continent. It they have that they can control the justice in that area Huh?   
They ran it down and John Kennedy knew it