In my opinion, this is what is meant by the head, and how someone can torture someone to death Zig Zag
The Head is different than the Skull
The head is a symbol of God since the resurrection of the human race and through the ascendant might be connected to Aries. But creation made the mistake along the way of saying that Virgo and Scorpio were the signs ruled by Mars but really only one of those signs are ruled by Mars and their dual rulership
So if someone says they might know something about cutting off heads they are making a mistake, because the head is related to our connection to God. So taking away that connection is cutting the head off. Because we lose the connection to god. Which may cause soulless people and even insanity. Skull and Bones is a much different thing founded by Cotton Mather around the time of the Salem Witch Trials
Arms are also related to the other sign ruled by Mars Aries is arms and Scorpio is not related to Arms but in the crudest sense of the word Neil putting his toes on a DOG’s part of the body of male dogs is related to Scorpio that would not be related to Virgo and Chastity or vow of Chastity supposedly married to God
Zig Zag is the big head and our connection to GOD. If we are not connected to where we came from and how we got here then we are insane
According to this chart, Brazil is a Pisces Country
“I believe” keywords
Treaty signed to make Brazil a country August 29, 1825 in Rio De Janeiro
Neil’s parents arranged the meeting between Al Capone and Adolf Hitler before bringing what he had to Ft Lauderdale then controlled our house and family when I was about 5 years to say that the US was Brazil, and then say I was a Cancer “I Feel” sign of the zodiac when the country of the US is a Cancer country not just considering that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, which is in the month when the sun is in the sign Cancer but also that it was 1776 and it was in Philadelphia and it was about 2:22 PM
Why did Neil make me out to be a Cancer before I even knew Neil Donnelly existed or Pam or Eleanor let alone sneaking around our house and neighborhood?
Why were Brazilian domains used at Convergys in Kentucky during the time I worked there in the past 20 years, Brazilian with BR after the actual domain
Cubit meaning Aries the Ram or Arm if you change the letters not Gemini
Heb. 'ammah; i.e., "mother of the arm," the forearm, is a word derived from the Latin cubitus, the lower arm. It is difficult to determine the exact length of this measure, from the uncertainty whether it included the entire length from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger, or only from the elbow to the root of the hand at the wrist. The probability is that the longer was the original cubit. The common computation as to the length of the cubit makes it 20.24 inches for the ordinary cubit, and 21.888 inches for the sacred one. This is the same as the Egyptian measurements.
A rod or staff the measure of a cubit is called in Judges 3:16 gomed , which literally means a "cut," something "cut off." The LXX. and Vulgate render it "span."