AI is not artificial intelligence it might be capital A and small l
IT seems that wherever Neil comes from he can never admit that they are Brain Eaters by reversing the letters AI to IA so Brian Picallo, that I did not know said that to Neil changes to Brain and I don't exist as a person according to Neil anymore before I have even started school. Brian Picallo was a baseball player that could not get a scholarship for baseball so he became a football player instead because of his grades at Central Catholic when Roger went there before they changed the name to ST Thomas Aquanius in Ft Lauderdale
Steven Spielberg is a Nazi that had a family that was around Germany when the Nazi party was created made up of Jewish Gays.
Neils family tree of Eunuchs participated in the Holocaust in France with six million people buried in the Catacombs and they participated as parents in the Polish holocaust with Krakau Poliand as the where the entire neighborhood was put on a train.
His movie Close Encounters of the 3rd kind suggested Devils mountain was the place where you could find the children from the Flower of Life Transgender was really what the children were in that movie. That is what the children are in the first Wizard of Oz movie over the rainbow
There's also the Poppies that were mentioned in the 1939 version of the Wizard of Oz that is of course related to the brand name of Heroine that was sold over the counter by a pharmaceutical company by the name of I G Farben originating in Germany under the company name Bayer in about 1904-05 time period
Roman Polanski and his family had lived there just before that happened
Then there is the holocaust in the bottomless pit when the fire trinity was created
Here is part of the mythology or something that has lost it’s meaning of Germanic Nazi philosophy of GOD and how they can’t stand that they do not have the Tree of Life
It seems very weird that the meaning of the word Yggdrasill as Odin’s horse has something to do with a word in the English language related to hanging someone by the neck
I guess that might something that someone likes doing and has been taught from the time they were in Harry Potter school is stir up a crowd for the intention of being their mob
The generally accepted meaning of Old Norse Yggdrasill is "Odin's horse", meaning "gallows". This interpretation comes about because drasill means "horse" and Ygg(r) is one of Odin's many names. The Poetic Edda poem Hávamál describes how Odin sacrificed himself by hanging from a tree, making this tree Odin's gallows. This tree may have been Yggdrasil. Gallows can be called "the horse of the hanged" and therefore Odin's gallows may have developed into the expression "Odin's horse", which then became the name of the tree.[1]
Nevertheless, scholarly opinions regarding the precise meaning of the name Yggdrasill vary, particularly on the issue of whether Yggdrasill is the name of the tree itself or if only the full term askr Yggdrasil (where Old Norse askr means "ash tree") refers specifically to the tree. According to this interpretation, askr Yggdrasils would mean the world tree upon which "the horse [Odin's horse] of the highest god [Odin] is bound". Both of these etymologies rely on a presumed but unattested *Yggsdrasill.[1]
A third interpretation, presented by F. Detter, is that the name Yggdrasill refers to the word yggr ("terror"), yet not in reference to the Odinic name, and so Yggdrasill would then mean "tree of terror, gallows". F. R. Schröder has proposed a fourth etymology according to which yggdrasill means "yew pillar", deriving yggia from *igwja (meaning "yew-tree"), and drasill from *dher- (meaning "support") I guess the “Yew Tree” or Just “U” since the roman alphabet does not have the letter “V’ in it might be the “Jew Tree” as in the Flower of Life living off the Tree of Life might be and resurrection of the human race
In 1958, when I was about eight, not ate years old, our mom went out and bought Cow Brains to eat. But, at that same time, while they were using our mom as identity theft before I was born with Elizabeth Taylor as the star, Roger was born in 1942, the movie National Velvet I guess came out in 1944. She became a star with that movie, but that might not have been the first movie she had made. First of all she was from Wales the origin of the British royal family where there had been Jack the Ripper that might have been a part of British Royalty that killed prostitutes in London for parts of bodies
Paul Hogan was also born in Wales in the area of Bangor, close to, I guess Lightening Ridge
Why was there a note written on the wall in the London area during the late 1800’s saying something like the “Jews will never take the blame”
The Italian Mafia M.A.F.I.A I saw this entire word as an acronym written out but I only remember the first three letters of Murder All French) created around the 1600’s had formed the Cagliostro seal and were helpers to bring down the French Royal family. But who asked for help in doing that, and why was there a guillotine given to me as a magic trick 300 years later in Ft Lauderdale Florida while the other siblings were also given magic tricks before our mom died one the oldest given the overlapping rings that they used to use in sleight of hand magic and the sibling four years older than me given the panic button as in the bank panic related to the economic depression that started in 1929. I am sure there were other economic depressions but since I did not even from high school I do not know where those might have happened or what year they might have happened
But before our mom died and before I was born there was something sent to our mom saying she was somehow related to the royal family in England and saying that her last name that is the last name of Peffers (her dad’s last name) was related to royalty. With that, she or someone in her family started a salt and peppers shaker collection because of the origin of the name Peffers being similar to spices or salt and pepper. That I know is the reason she kept that collection until she died in 1962.
But her last name might not have been Peffers. Because, after forty years of not being able to get her birth certificate to do her chart, while I was teaching myself astrology in the 1970’s, I was finally able to get her birth certificate in 2017. I had been told on two different occasion’s one going back to about 1975 that the birth certificate had been handwritten and for that reason was not “readable”. That was the exact word included in the note that came with the other birth certificates of Roger, Mike and our Dad which all had times of birth on them. The other occasions were just in the last 5 years. I asked through their form online for the birth certificate in Dayton and got the same response. Finally, in just the last two years I got the certificate but why was I told for so many years that the certificate was handwritten and for that reason and that reason alone they could not send it to me? There is now a place in Cincinnati where you can get birth certificates that are a part of Dayton Vital Statistics and that is where I finally got it and got it from people there that seemed to know who I was and why I was there.
There was something asked when I got it about what kind of certificate I needed and she mentioned two words of which I cannot remember but I said one of the two rather both which is probably what I should have said. I guess I was just surprised I was actually getting it I did not think to ask why she said that. So she handed it to me and I first looked and saw that the handwriting was not unreadable in fact it was very readable. So why did the Dayton Vital statistics tell me twice the first one forty years ago and the second one just about five years ago that I could not have it? I did not know that someone is controlling my life that much and caused them not to give it to me is my conclusion.
I also before I got back to my car found the time of birth at the bottom of the certificate of 5 AM But, it could be true that the certificate was forged because of something that I noticed after doing her chart that the moon, ruler of all the 12th house related closely to family issues, is in the 3rd house of brothers and sisters or siblings in one sense of the word. It is also related to the sign Gemini and Twins. So what I have concluded, because I found the Census data for 1920, just a year after our mom was born and it shows she had a sister by the name of Minnie that was 19 years old and she was only 4 months old. I really almost knew her time of birth before I got the certificate, at least I think I did if the 5 AM is accurate because I thought based on the Ephemeris that having Moon in Libra that she may have been born around 7 AM which would put the moon in the 2nd house of someone that collects things. It turns out that she has Venus in the 2nd house in Virgo also related to collecting things
But it might be a forgery because a parent then and someone that was around Dayton did not want it known that a sibling had a baby, but was not married. That was the time of prohibition and the Temperance leagues so it could have been made up to look ok so someone that was responsible would not be blamed and our mom could have a life without being laughed at or whatever or feeling as though she did not belong
There is one thing on the certificate that I have not seen and that is the suggestion that it was asked whether a condom was used. It seems that might be something that would be asked if a teenager was involved but I know that does not normally show up on birth certificates
So who was Minnie Peffer’s, and why did Al Capone have a meeting with Adolf Hitler in Brazil. Did Neil’s parents set up the meeting in Brazil? What kind of family tree does Neil come from and what is his real name? Who were his parents? What about Al Capone being around Newport Kentucky in the 1920’s and it has been said on the internet and there were some tours of that area to show that the Speakeasies in that area might have been the model for the Casino’s in Las Vegas and all the cities that have them now
The reason for all of this is related to the sign Pisces and the third part of the symbol that is shown in all astrology books instead of mentioning that there were three parts to the symbol of Pisces not just two parts or what look like fish but are part of a symbol which is not really a fish, but there is also another part of Pisces not just the symbol being three parts it is the ruler of Pisces and the fact that dual rulership was started whenever that says that Jupiter Jehovah YHWH is also Jehovah also Tetragrammaton (fire and air as opposed to earth and water and a demon that does not know the difference between the planet earth and the earth trinity Diamonds in the playing card deck associated with the Earth element and even a field created that is a Diamond Baseball. Playing card decks were once Tarot Torah decks and Diamonds sounds so much like Demons that it could have been done for just that reason. There is the diamond trade that continues to be very important to the Jewish that control that from Belgium and the Diamonds mines in Africa that were not nationalized like they could have been and blacks could have had a really good deal but the Mandela’s were paid well by the Afrikaners that control the British royalty to not allow that to happen. Then there is the possibility that the Marines might be Diamond smugglers
There were movies made by Elizabeth Taylor ET as in even today Entertainment Tonight that had one that suggested that our mom’s death was known before she died. Supposedly her first movie was National Velvet but what if there was a movie that was made before that movie and then held back to cover up something. There was a movie titled “The Last time I saw Paris” you know the 1600’s, in which there is a scene that is a mistake that shows that when she is in the hospital there is an oxygen tent in her hospital room in one but then not there when someone comes back in the room. IT also has a date that is the Roman numeral that keeps track of when movies are made of 1944 but the movie was not released until 1954 eight years before she died and after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Why was there a French physicist that might have ended up having the plutonium Fuse for the bomb when Los Alamos did not have any source of heavy water for fuses like the heavy water plants that were in Norway created by Hitler
The US is a Cancer country but it may also be a Scorpio country because of the 14 original colonies, not 13. After all the Free Masons created the seal of the US with an Eagle that is a symbol related to the Sphinx (Spring Equinox and a cross, not a trinity. Fixed Cross of Taurus Leo Scorpio and Aquarius (head of a man)? The numbers of 4 and 8 do seem to be important and someone before our mom died saying I was a Cancer “I feel” sign of the zodiac because those are the keywords for Cancer but the US is a Cancer country since the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 at 2:21 PM
When Jefferson Airplane released an album in 1975 called Red Octopus this is what they had on their side
Le poulpe, symbol du Demiurge
Grace Slick was from Chicago and I am sure had parents and a name other than slick
This is I am sure Kraken in all of the movies of Pirates of the Caribbean also What about Krakau Poland
Neil I guess before I knew Pam Neil and Eleanor existed used to use in front of Roger and Mike not me Hobo there are the legs of the Goblin related to France in the 1600’s also as in HobGoblin but used to suggest money or not having any is the only subject Why did Peter Lawford and Sammy Davis Jr do the movie of Salt and Pepper in England. Peter Lawford was a relative of the Kennedy’s like Sargent Shriver and his daughter Marie is today Sargent Shriver died he was not in the armed forces. But the armed forces were all used for most of the famous rock and roll bands being children of parents with armed forces intelligence backgrounds
Who was Pat Sloan rogers first wife. Her and her mom and only her mom lived in what even then was in a neighborhood where the houses started at about half a million and of course went up her dad was not alive and supposedly died in a plane crash
I hardly knew her because we moved to Columbus and roger went on with his life but it wasn’t the gates family’s fault they were using all three children as though there was only one child that was born a Pisces with Neptune XP the real XP not Chi Rho and its connection to everlasting life in the 7th house of Adam and Even and the other part of the 9th Revelation. That has been mentioned to me ever since I was about 12 first by Paul Smith a relative of ours that I hardly knew
Autumn can be spelled ADAM you know
Ohio State leading the way there was Jessie Owens in the 1936 Olympics
What about the experiments of pulling the legs off of Newts and overlooking Knute Rockney was the inventor of the forward pass at Notre Dame Indians and is around where I am living right at this moment even a car with a license plate with the Marine logo on it and VR754 and bought in a place in Indiana and there are two cars with Notre Dame licenses I was told to move here from Sem Manor because there is someone with a construction company that is doing the renovation of a HUD Building. That person also has Chicago connections as well as Dave Grossheim and the Lee’s in Ravenswood in Columbus
There is his computer users group that I just fell into like all rest of the places that I have fallen into because someone has part of my soul in his back pocket as though he is always right behind and in front of me at the same time
Santo Trafficante Jr story of Sicilian Vampire