Psychological murderer
Why is there a scene in the movie about Sherlock Holmes
titled Spider Woman show the Spider woman in her assistant coming over to
Sherlock Holmes’s house and suddenly her assistant takes off his shoes and
socks for no reason at all and suddenly starts trying to catch flies out of
midair not flies that have landed which is the way most people do but a child
that starts that just starts trying to catch files. Why had Neil taught Bambi
the black dog to catch files in his mouth when we were living in Plantation? I
think it is a very important scene because I for no reason at all started
taking my shoes and socks off but not because I was helping Spider woman but
because her assistant caused me to do so and from 2nd grade was
used, and laughed at by brainwashed children to think I was someone that had a
parent that was related to Krakow Poland “Step on the Crack break your mothers
back” …. Neil never went to grades one
through eight, for some reason
Susan Atkins
I used 8 hours of time difference instead of 7 like Astro theme
because for every 15 degrees of longitude there is another hour added to time
difference and 118
I also forgot to say something about what was going on then that
I did not know about because I did not much attention to what the sibling that
took me to someone’s house who apparently “saw” my arm move the time the
Gerson’s took me to Miami Beach and said he wanted to be a Trappist monk. But
he took me there without explaining why he was doing it so it did not mean
anything to me. So I also did not pay any attention to the fact that he was
going over to the Donnelly or that he had shown the document to roger and never
to me. But then there was a day I saw but did not see a crab walking on the
side of the Bridges house. There is a sign of the zodiac that is also related
to the disease Cancer that is Cancer and the key words for that sign are “I
Feel” as the fourth Cardinal Water sign of the zodiac. But the US is a Cancer
country I am not a Cancer. It seems that someone forgot that you just cannot
bring a document to any place on the planet and say it is the same place and
not realize that each country has a national character just like a child being
born. So the US is not Brazil. I am a Pisces not a Cancer and they caused the
cancer of Brian Piccolo. They may have even caused the death of our dad’s mom
Spider woman was made in 1943 a year before the bomb was dropped on Japan. I think in some way as crazy as it sounds the royal family that Hitler was a part of and it counterpart in Japan was something Hitler caused to have the bomb dropped and caused the US to do it along maybe with the Marines. Genocide in all it’s forms is racism even though racism is not really a very good word after all you can believe in the Human race then what are you
What about the fact that if someone that is an assistant to
Spider women is controlling myself to suddenly decide to take my shoes and
socks off and walk bare footed outside and Elvis to write a song titled bare-footing
and Sharon Tate used to like being barefooted does someone have control of my
legs and for that reason cause the paralyzed from the waist down in the form of
Polio. Then if that is true used me for Jacobs Ladder and jack and the Bean
Stack using my spine, and then come back with someone peeking in my window of
Maynard ave and say that is a choice instead of not a choice because I did not
even know it was being and had been done ever since our mom helped me write a
report on the motto of California for elementary school in Ft Lauderdale taken
from an Encyclopedia Britannica that we had in our house. Then do I have four
legs and two arms? Do you really think the symbol of Sagittarius is really a
half horse and half human with four legs and two arms? I am a Pisces not a Sagittarius
anyway. The model of the human race is different than an individual chart I
think the model of the human race is nine months and is related to the sign
Sagittarius half horse and half human probably the most dual sign of the zodiac
and the air trinity related to it. It seems that Sagittarius is not like the
other two fire signs. I have seen the symbol of Sagittarius as a horse without
a head and a human standing next to it. I think that is what sort of the Legend
of Sleepy Hollow is related to
There was a document that writes itself that had been seen
before I was born sent to that family I was about to be born into. But, of
course, I was not born. I am not sure where it was sent but my guess is that it
was sent to Dayton about the time Roger was two years old. After all the
remains of the remains of the “Aliens” were sent to Wright Patterson AFB in
1947. (Please remember that number because we as the human race normally have
46 Chromosomes not 47) In fact, people that are born with 47 Chromosomes might
be people that are psychopaths from the time they are born
So how and why of all the people on the planet earth was it
decided by God to send the document to our family? I think it might be related
to the fact that I, yet to be born have a Neptune ruled chart, ruler of Pisces
and a symbol of the broken tree of Life (the first human race) and also related
to everlasting life, but not on the planet earth. It is also the true XP not
the fraud XP made up letters of the Greek alphabet of Chi Rho associated with
the letters X and P in the alphabet. But if you combine what is associated with
XP in the Greek alphabet into a word CHI Rho you get the word Cairo which means
Mars and of course Ancient Egypt
So I think there a list, a list that anyone would be familiar with that has been keep by God of the real royalty (royalty does not mean palaces are any other things we normally associate with I think it just means origin in a sense, and ever since the birth of the Fire trinity killed the first human race what was left of the first human with possibly models that were undead has been kept and they know went that type of person is going to born
So, our mom was shown something, and along the way, because
I had two sibling older than me they were beyond the age of 5 where the human
race starts to remember day to day things. By the way I was born in St
Petersburg rather than Dayton where our mom, dad, and two my two siblings were
born. We moved to St Petersburg, for a reason I still do not know today, maybe
the proximity to Tampa controlled to be there since it is only 17 miles from St
Pete, and there is a film company there called Haxen films. Haxen is a Herman
word I guess meaning “witch”. It has been there since the last 1920’s, and may
have been connecting to helping AL Capone run whiskey during prohibition
So by the time we moved to Ft Lauderdale, everyone in the
home and family of the Gates’s knew something about the document that write
But our mom had been told that she needed to tell me about it. But then something happened, and I sure they times because children do not start remembering day to day events until after they are 5 years old. So it was timed that the three people Pam Neil (sometimes calling himself the Warlock) and Eleanor who Neil was sort of married to at age 7 years old because in order to get Pam into St Anthony’s elementary school someone had to know there were two parents even if one of them was only 7 years because Eleanor did not have papers saying they were adopted, and I am not even sure they allowed single parents to adopt then. But then they all signed a suicide pact before they left Boston so it had to be that way unless of course they could pass it off on other people
The question I would like to know is what about the Trappist monks did they as members of the Japanese Army sign some sort of suicide pact themselves? Why did Neil Pam Eleanor start this connecting up the world of control with me going to the Desert Inn and while there causing my arm to move as though I were a Kamikaze pilot that was required to commit Hari Kari if they did not carry out exactly what they were intended to do and die doing it? Suppose the Japanese, as a part of the royal family related to Germany did not think that purposely crashing their planes into aircraft carriers in Pearl Harbor was a good idea, but were not going to commit Hari Kari in their Japanese Zero’ ( I guess there is some mystery around the Japanese Zero planes that has not even been mentioned even today about the possibility that those planes were controlled by transponders to crash. Which in turn caused the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
So before I had a chance to turn six years old and just after I turned six years old there was a call that one of the siblings took in our house at age 10, which for no reason he said to me one day. With no background as to why he said and no reference even to say that it was a short conversation that was a telephone call I think his version of the call was “Somewhere out in space there is a vacuum” But I don’t think that is what the call really said I think it went something like Nature says vacuums can’t exist maybe it isn’t fair to say that is exactly what was said but it was something like that. Now that is an unusual to come to our family and especially to the youngest in the Gates that had not even started 1st grade yet. Why did he think he was supposed to tell me?
Now what about something I did not know, besides I did not
know there was a document that writes itself I did not know that Neil had
forged and put a paragraph on it with people by the first name of Paul but no
last names at all
I guess the sibling, I guess, had seen the name Paul on the
document that was over at the Donnelly’s and had taken the call saying there
was a serial murderer in the Gates family, and he was coming to invest gator.
But after the paragraph was added asked how I tell about Paul. I guess he really
never got an answer and by the time I started 1st, and had no idea
about any document even though the oldest did and I guess saw succubus
mentioned on it somewhere someone and I did not know then started their
psychological murder of me with fist using Stranahan high school students on a
bus for children. The question I have today is how they knew who I was of all
the other children on the bus and started laughing as soon as I got on the bus.
Our mom had taught me to stay away from people like that and that is what I did
they were complete strangers why would they do that?
So in the people Neil forged on the document could one of
them have been Paul Tate or even Paul Richard Polanski who was never born. They
never had parents does not killing them before they are born. If that is true
then Charles Manson did not kill Sharon Tate Paul Tate’s daughter. This is
1956-57 or earlies time period now
So when Eric Schwing who I did not know and did not ask to
come to Columbus used means to make it look like he just accidently ran into to
me because there was something that students (I was not a student) even though
this was the hippie days and there were people around then that kind of were
around that area that were not students. I was forced to live there by Neil
after he told our dad he wasn’t going to live on a farm in Pickerington Ohio as
a choice he had because he knew them from the cruise days in Ft Lauderdale even
though they were living on a farm in Pickreington (sometimes called “Pick” town
almost like Piccolo “the Pick” but much different circumstances that Neil
arranged before our mom did with the same sibling that had answered the call in
1955 in Ft Lauderdale. I guess Eric did not even notice that when he was told
to stop in Pennsylvania and then there is the scar on his back from either a
gunshot would or else a knife wound one or the other. So I was made out to be
the CIA agent that caused Neil to be told at 820 Critchfield Road which in turn
caused Mike McManis and his brother Tim to start a Janitorial service called
named CIA(X), and also caused Mike McManis to die of Cancer after never smoking
a cigarette in his life. Eric and AL took me to a farm in northern Ohio where
the person by the name of Elmer (there is always something that fits with what
Neil needs) who talked about the book gargantuan. I was not the person that
needed to go to a farm because our dad told me I had to leave it was Neil even
though I did not know it. It was Neil because he used his forged CIA
identification around our neighborhood and Langley Virginia is not the place
where the CIA were ever located. An intelligence would not, and could not stay
in an obvious place like that ever. But I guess the number was on the document,
and that may have been forged also but maybe it was supposed to be there for
some reason. I did not know any of this happened because the sibling was not
allowed to tell me that the document was in our house but he was allowed to
show it to our dad
So was Paul Tate on the document as one of the Paul’s that
Neil had forged? Was Charles Manson on the document? Why did AL Capone make a
deal in Brazil with Adolf Hitler and why was Charles Manson’s Mother, last name
Maddox, a prostitute for Al Capone in the Newport/Cincinnati area where Charles
was born in 1934
Who told Charles Manson to go to California?
Why when Eric was in Columbus did he mention the glass
menagerie and the Unicorn and why was there something on the internet that said
that person that supposedly lived in Pennsylvania kill his girlfriend and her
last name was Maddox. Why did It show a trunk (suitcase) that showed something
like sea weed in it?
I guess Charles or Charlie was born in the Lookout area of
Cincinnati but there was a person that was killed in a bar around that area in
the last 10 years. I would say something here but I am sure that it would be
misunderstood for what it is
Why in the last 5 years ever since one child killed another
in the Hyde Park area with a baseball bat Deborah Dixon daughter of Paul Dixon
talk show host and author of a book titled mayor of Kneeseville because his
audience consisted of girls showing their knees (no political positions)
decided to start being “crime stopper deb” on channel 12. But I found something
just about a year ago that said her name was Deborah States Dixon but just as I
was looking at it she supposedly died the site covered it up and I went back
but was not there. Do you see where someone made a mistake they thought I was
the birth of the US and a Cancer instead of the US being a Cancer country There
is a World Trade Center In New Orleans that has to do with food and agriculture
not related to the World Trade Center in New York of course and is still there
as far as I know. The Deborah States Dixon had supposedly died and there had
been a GO FUND ME set up and the money was going to Jacksonville Florida
Sharon Tate I guess used to love to take her shoes off
wherever she went also. Why would that have been? I have never been anywhere
near the west coast the west coast of Florida where I was I was born but never the west
coast of the US St Pete is the west
coast of Florida Gulf of Mexico
Why was a Laurel Canyon neighborhood created at the same time
Ravenwood was created in Columbus
So why did Eric Schwing forge the document thinking I was
Neil, and had needed a place to stay after being caught flashing CIA
identification to the Lee’s that were connected to their fraud construction
company again with Eleanor being the first with Superior Insulation in Florida
and Dave Grossheim fraud Construction in Cincinnati. Why would he use CIA
identification for fraud construction? What about the United Fruit Company and
Baskin robins that has been said was a front or money laundering place for the
CIA and the United Fruit Company
If I would have known anything I would have gladly told him
but I did not Why was Rogers life of Market Research for Consulting forced on
to my life after I took jobs because I failed to graduate from high school but
drew a rec center before I left Hartley high where Neil ruled the entire school
and caused the movie Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf to be shown instead of
National Velvet which was the only Elizabeth Taylor movie other than the Last
time I saw Paris which shows our mom’s death in an oxygen tent in which
Elizabeth avoids the oxygen tent