Saturday, August 4, 2018

Igor 2008

Here is just part of the way Anderson Township or Sherwood Forest again is controlled There is an area around here near Five Mile Road to Salem Road called Sherwood and then there is an area called the City of Forestville hence again Sherwood Forest again only a matter of TIME. There are people that are told in ways they don't care to talk about when around or near me but they don't realize that the only reason that they are whispered in their ears that is not really their ears is because  a psychopath wants to keep me separated, and they trust that person not realizing who it is because of security clearances like Wackenhut that runs security around this area, and even Marine backgrounds


Shows in Igor 2008

Astral projection witches Baalzebub possessed a sibling at 9 years old sometimes just spelled Baal

You will notice in Igor 2008 they do mention Brian and Brain several times That is what a sibling said that he liked a baseball player by the name of Brian Piccolo that played football because there were no scholarships for baseball at Central Catholic the same school Pam and Mike Alan went just before they changed the name to St Thomas in the middle of their freshman year and Paul H Gerson Jr went to after we moved to Columbus Ohio 
Made by the same cartoonist that made all the characters, we as children at least I did of the 1950’s, made Bugs Bunny called Merrie Melodies. I am sure a connection to Germany. Hasenpfeffer was said in a cartoon and someone that is a sibling of mine said he could “hear” it even though it was not with his sense of hearing. That is how much someone had control of my apartment on Maynard ave,, and all invisibly including visual pictures sent to people in ways I think are their way of using Neptune in the wrong way      

It was, and is, just as possible to use the so-called electronic means of torture that are supposedly used today, in the middle ages

Despite our way of thinking that says the human race progresses, from what we were in ancient Egypt, to what we are today. It does not happen that way, despite all of the lies to the contrary    

Psychological Murder: Death By Covert Abuse

This is what I have attempted, maybe a not very good attempt has happened to me and at least our parents. But they were adults and understood something but did not know how to tell me, and may have even been fooled themselves.
From the first day, I rode the bus in first grade onward all of the things described in these paragraphs have been done to me. The fact that they were done covertly before our mom died, and continued even after the three people from Boston were living in our house and family. I just was too ignorant to realize that they had already used a sibling that was around more than the oldest by using Astral Projection to keep him from realizing where he was making a mistake
This article is being copied word for word from an internet site called and written by Marc Hubs

  Pernicious Abuse

It goes unrecognized but it exists.
It exists on an extremely covert level.
It happens behind the scenes without anyone even being aware of what the problem is; the real problem.
The trouble with this entire article is that it is never said why, and for what reason, someone is able to control a person’s life their entire life. It is the fact, at least in my case, that someone took my arm and hand, not in the physical sense like a sibling did for a while but in the Neptune sense when I was at the Desert Inn in Miami where the Garson’s took me even though Ruth Gerson’s lied about where about where our mom said it was ok to take me. I am not talking about physically taking me by the hand because I might have been forgetful at age five with a Pisces Rising. I am talking about the problem with a creation that is used to continue the problem rather fix it because the person hired with a stick, continues to control the human race in a way.
I think the problem is related to the ruler of Aquarius or the Le Fleur symbol, or as it called in astrology Uranus, or the third fish wish of Pisces Not only is that related to resurrection. Royal families as we have perceived them since Ancient Egypt, are the problem              
No evidence of it is left behind and no-one has ever been convicted of it yet in reality, what I will term pernicious abuse is something which can and does have a devastating effect, not just on the victim, but also within society. Pernicious abuse can lead a person into carrying out acts such as covert psychological murder, or perhaps even covert psychological manslaughter - something which is very real, insidious in nature but unfortunately unrecognized and virtually unquestioned.
Psychological murder can take many forms but the type I'm really referring to is of a covertly narcissistic and/or sociopathic nature. It may be too difficult for some people to be able to comprehend but it does happen and I've seen it happen.
Narcissistic/Sociopathic (narcopathic) abuse takes place when a narcissist or sociopath (or narcopath) attempts to convince someone who has discovered their unbelievably shallow secrets, gradually over time, that they are crazy and proceeds to manipulate them into keeping quiet or to ultimately face their wrath. They use techniques such as crazy-making, character assassination and gaslighting in order to get their victim(s) to question their own sanity.
They generally do so by ostracizing the victim while continuing to act out their part, expertly hiding their truly outrageous behavior, whilst successfully having everyone around them fooled - everything is done to appease those around them while their manipulative and controlling tactics take place behind the scenes, outside of people's awareness. The victim is forced to question their own sanity because they don't realize that they are the victim because everything done to manipulate them is done outside of their conscious awareness.
The longer time goes on and the longer the victim tries to do something about it, the more severe the abuse becomes. The narcissist/sociopath has already built an army of unwitting abusers who all help to drive the victim crazy. The long-term consequences of these actions can be a devastating, soul-crushing and a reality-shattering path to be led down. Of course, there are many other types of abuse that can have just as damaging and severe long-term consequences. However, psychological forms of abuse such as gaslighting, mental rape, slander, defamation and distortion campaigns of a person's reputation are done so covertly and expertly that they are very rarely identified early enough.
The abuser, when carrying out these covert tasks, is faceless and undercover.
Narcopathic Abuse
Victims of this type of abuse are commonly left with no resources they can use to escape the situation; the abuser has stolen their finances, their identity and has turned the victim's own family and friends against them, due to the malicious web of lies and deceit that have been woven. The victim is trapped with no way out... or at least that is what they are made to believe.
Although victims go through what can only be described as being dragged through hell backward, narcissistic and sociopathic abuse via heightened communication is so difficult to pick up on the human radar of perception that the victim is usually left scratching their head wondering "is it me?"

That is exactly what I did for 40 years of my life because no one asked everyone assumed. But the people close to me may have made the mistake out of ignorance not because they were taking advantage of me  
Such abusers are so shallow that they may cheat on their partner on significant occasions such as valentine's day or while they are away at a funeral - at times when the victim will least expect it.

People not really a part of the Gates family but claiming they are adopted, children. I did not even question that for 40 years because we moved to Columbus before I really found out on my and disregarded the little Paul H Gerson Jr told me before we moved to Columbus  
Not only that, they will do it with the person the victim suspects the least.... time and time again.
Psychological Murder
The abuser never quits abusing and the victim's self-esteem gets worn down to the core until they go through a process of devaluation, dehumanization, and dissociation. The victim has been made to feel that they are nothing in this world, they now have nothing, they now have no meaning and nowhere to go and nobody wants them anymore. I thought without knowing who the three people were that all I needed to do is stay away. I had not been told that the person had shown something to the person that still lives in Columbus that showed that my abuser knew where I was at all the time. I had not been told there was even a document or that the abuser had a stick and had parents, but could not mention who they were. So he and the girl, then nine years old that was the same age as the sibling in Columbus, never mentioned a thing to me. Pam talked to Paul H Gerson jr in Ft Lauderdale, not me. "Get him Paul" was said to Paul H Gerson jr because the sibling was trying to help behind my back but I was never told there was a need to do so

The process is so subliminal and it happens so gradually that it could take place over the course of ten or twenty or even thirty years or more. The victim knows that even if they did escape the situation the abuser would probably continue to ruin the rest of their life or future relationships anyway and in many cases after the partner has left, the abuser continues to drive them crazy gradually destroying their reputation, their life and their soul - often referred to as soul murder.
Eventually, the victim may be left feeling suicidal but fear that others would see it as a selfish act. Additionally, they don't want others to be left picking up the pieces they left behind because they do feel real true genuine empathy. For this reason, many victims believe they have no choice but to continue suffering the abuse and may feel that the damage is already done. For the last twenty-five years that is exactly how I have felt and continue to suffer from sleep deprivation so bad I am not able to fall asleep anymore  
Some victims may ultimately decide to continue to pump as much alcohol or drugs into their system as they can. This way they can use it not only as a form of escapism but also to slowly kill themselves so that they can reach the point that they have to suffer the abuse no longer. Others may not turn to substance abuse but may end up suffering fatal medical issues as a result of the abuse alone which may potentially lead to death a result of pernicious abuse.
Some may have given up on their hopes of escape and may have just accepted things the way they are (conditioned into co-dependence) but unless they are an inverted narcissist, then the stress will eventually take it's toll. Stress is well known to cause a myriad of health problems, both mental and physical, many of which can be fatal.
Ultimately, the victim takes the knowledge of their covert psychological murder to the grave which forever remains a secret inside the mind of the abuser.