Monday, July 30, 2018

Sacrificing Children Our Mom was told she was royal before I was born, and sent boots Lie by Jack the Ripper Royals

Beltane, Easter, Passover, And Halloween - The Months  i‏

sacrificing Children that has been me ever since I was born and I think our mom knew but there was nothing she could do about it except give up things she could have had for herself before she died. So in a way there were two children sacrificed maybe even all three   

So in a way, they already took below the waist of my with the spider and they had already taken the spine and Jacobs Ladder or Jack and Beanstalk so why did they take below my waist again as though I one and a half people without knowing any of happened until Temple of the Screaming Electron started in 1992-93. They had already used my spine and spreading seeds that way by the flower of life  

Why is British Royalty brought up on that document? I know only because I know that a Unicorn is half the coat of arms of England and that is the British Royal family and Wales is a connection to that
But then there is the sibling that lives in Columbus that I think was a victim of Astral Projection and used by a succubus. I had no idea that was happening when I was about 5 years old until our mom died then got run over by a car that was done because of the Teamsters union and someone that did not want the Teamsters union to exist His left Leg is not my left arm. That is someone using me to take me by the hand everywhere and has made life choices before I make them as though he controls my entire destiny. Head he wins tails I lose       
How the Gates family was a target and how anyone with a focus on Leo and the 12th house or Pisces and the 12th house can be. There were originally five members of the Gates family. That is, after the youngest myself, was born in 1950. Before I was born there was something sent, to our mom, saying her maiden name made her in some way a part of British Royalty? From that day onward she started keeping a collection of Salt and Pepper (Peffers variant of Peppers which happens in surnames or even like spices). So she kept the Salt and Pepper shaker collection until she died in 1962. But for some reason, she thought that I would know that from the time I was born, and that is something I cannot understand even today.
In my opinion, there was something planned by the helpers, referring to what the movie Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang, was about that did something like pick Paul Hogan who was eleven years old when I was born and would have known? But it was never said and the people from Boston brought, when I was just 5 years old, a document that had come to them from Bangor Maine like a Wales city only different. A document that writes itself but had translated from German to English so I could not have been on the document but Paul Hogan could have been.
When our mom was born one of six children in 1919 just a year before the helpers got prohibition passed in the US she had Neptune on her ascendant and was a Leo overall chart
The sibling in Columbus was the one that was a victim of Astral Projection and possessed by a succubus as the other Leo in the Gates family and a stellum in Leo, in the 12th house.
But in my opinion in order to pull off using a person forced into astral projection and a victim of a succubus there had to be a Pisces born in the Gates family and they knew that would happen also
But what they don’t mention is the fact that there are three fish related to symbol of Pisces, not two fish. The third fish is what they used to resurrect the human race and create their own male gender but was there ever a female gender created? Is the Flower of Life their way of creating the Female gender? There cannot be any gender except the planet earth so how was it done? Why does the Sphinx or Spring Equinox state that Aquarius is the “head of a man” Where is the other gender and how did they even create one gender? What is the Eye (eve) of Horus? It seems to me that the Eye of Horus is the eye of hours which means it had to be on the planet earth because a time of that type only exists on the planet earth. So, is the eye related to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) related to dreaming of all humans related to Neptune or is it related to Jupiter? There is someone that keeps saying and it has been said for hundreds of years that Jehovah Yehovah or YHWH or Tetragrammaton’ that is Jupiter you know, or the Fairy or the Fire and Air trinities as opposed to the Water and Earth trinities are what they think is the way the human race should go and they say they created them when they really did not create them because the broken tree of life was on the planet before them         
They used the third fish (wish witch it can be pronounced all of those ways) and created the ruler of Aquarius with a symbol not the wavy lines of the glyph but the ruler, and then they say there is a co-ruler of Saturn and created and that is what the transpersonal rulers of signs of the zodiac are related to creation itself. So they created the Le Fleur symbol called in Astrology terms Uranus that looks like an “H” to astronomers because someone with the last name of Herschel discovered it around 1746 through a telescope even though it had always been there.
But there was a mistake made at creation and it the fact, at least I think it is, that there were two signs (they started dual rulerships also so they could say that Jupiter rules Pisces they also said that Mars rules Aries (sounds like the word Air) and the other Mars-ruled sign of Scorpio. Then Venus rules Taurus and Libra and Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini but the Sun and Moon only rule one sign of the zodiac. But then what about Saturn? Saturn is considered in more ways than one the limit of the galaxy but is beyond Jupiter and for that reason alone has control over the form of the human race and I think that includes the skeleton of the human race and that is very important.
So the creation of Aquarius (head of a man) and its ruler Uranus (Le Fleur Flower of Life not the Tree of Life like what Neptune is related as a broken tree of life but related to everlasting life and is needed by the human race not because it is possible to live forever on the planet but for immune response of the human race to avoid viruses that can kill us all. So the flower of life is built on Mars XP rather than Neptune XP and does show up in the Greek alphabet that has been around for at least a few hours as Chi Rho or pronounced as Cairo meaning Mars. But when they used the third fish not the symbol that looks like three in form of Neptune but actually a real part of the symbol of Pisces the third fish they made a creation based on two signs of the zodiac that are Aries (ruler of the head) and Scorpio ruler of a part of the body that can be associated with the head through Kundalini but was used against me without any yoga at all in Ft Lauderdale Jack and Beanstalk and Jacobs Ladder used before I was even ten years old I know it was used just like some sort of tick that was invisible to me had attached itself to me without I even know there was a document or anything in our house at the time  
There is a scene in the Spider women related to Sherlock Holmes that shows a person that comes with the spider women and is in his house talking to him and all of sudden that younger person takes his shoes and socks off but that is not me that is the person that taught the dog to catch flies after our mom died and he had my left arm (ram) likes Aries the Ram to keep for the rest of my life. Someone with 47 Chromosomes someone so violent I do not know of anyone that I have ever had that close contact with that is that violent and I am sure a psychopath. I guess there was a call to our house in 1955 that said something like there was a serial murderer in that house and I am coming to investigate” That was the person that was the serial murderer. You see they have had hundreds of years to use this formula that is passed on over and over again. Something like the Borg a version of Star trek that did not last long for some reason because I think in a lot of ways it was the best Star Trek.
So after they had taken me as fly in the spiders mouth and caused me to start taking off my shoes and socks all of sudden in Ft Lauderdale they come back and deny that they used Jacobs Ladder in Columbus and take a shot at me peeking in the window of 384 East Maynard and saying it is related to three legs with one of course related to the male gender instead of Jacobs ladder and one person taking me by the hand and dragging me wherever I go and making choices for me before I can make them
IT seems something lives off of anyone, except my chart has something unusual in it not just the fact that I am a Pisces I also have a Pisces rising and my entire chart looks like it is right on the edge if it isn’t for the cardinal angles being almost in another sign, it is the lights of Sun and Moon that are right on the edge also. And I have the Dragons Head and Dragons Tail in Pisces and Virgo with the Dragons Head conjunct the Rising sign  
All of the engineerings that exists is built on the Mars XP and that includes, unfortunately,  the XP version of Windows which opens a door to hacking the entire planet earth for someone and probably not the way to go to end cancer on the planet  
I may sound like I know something but I really do not and everything I think or thought I have taught myself even while I am attempting to write a sentence might be completely wrong     
25 years ago I used to sleep as good as any sleeper now I do not sleep at all because of Temple of the Screaming electron using my head not my skull to torture from the inside out. It seems, and I don’t even know if it is true that the 8th cranial nerve (vestibule Cochlear) related to hearing is also related to the 8th sign of the zodiac Scorpio

While I was outside playing in Ft Lauderdale at seven years old in a new city and of course a new neighborhood. Our mom told me about the Bridges and I would find someone there to meet (I am not sure how she knew that) Steve with “Whistle While you work Hitler is a jerk Eisenhower has no power Whistle While you work”That using the same tune as Snow White and seven dwarfs which of course the Snow White has a sweet and juicy poison apple for someone so she can live forever as a Demon 

This might be related to the poison apple it kind of looks like the shape of an apple or maybe even Adams Apple or maybe the Boston Strangler
Was there someone in the bathroom in the hospital the day our mom died and the nurses heard her coughing
The three of the five people 5 and 3 but I think actually,  153 because Tetragrammaton’ appears in Genesis 153 times and there were 153 fish in the net of the 12 Apostles There were just three that were most affected by what has been a nightmare in more ways than one Our mom has Leo on the 12th house the sibling in Columbus has Leo on the 12th house and I have Aquarius on the cusp of the 12th house and Jupiter Retrograde prescription symbol used on all prescription medication today so they seem to live off of that and the fact that Leo is also called “the King” Leo and Aquarius always the image and mirror image but they seem to only use the image but never the mirror image
Its brown and about that long it seems that something really does not know what that is I think it might in some way be related to the spider but something cannot seem to understand that I do not have the eyes of laura mars in any way but the sign Pisces and the Rem cycle shows that Neptune has a mental side related to eyes and seeing that no one not even astrologers care to talk about they always say that Uranus is mental planet or it is the higher vibration of mercury but I do not think that is true

Lots of 25’s the 25th Nodule related to the Kennedy assassination 25 again a place by a former Bengal that used to do a dance in the endzone. The addresses of Sem Manor add up to 25 and Yadda Yadda,Yadda or just “Y” is the reciprocal related to the 8th sign of the zodiac that is the 25 letter of the alphabet   rotecting Your Children in the Months of Sacrifice

As you all know the number of kidnappings/missing persons in the US gets in the 2000-2600 range... per day (90% or so of which are children).
So I wanted to take a look at the stats to see if there was a correlation between satanic holy days and these disappearances since we know that the sacrifice of people, especially children, is prevalent.
What I found, according to the FBI, that in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 the highest number of kidnappings ALWAYS occurs in MAY.
May 1 is May Day; it is also known as Beltane, or the 'worship of Baal' (which starts the night of April 30 with... kidnapping victims). Those missing victims would not be reported until May 1st, or later, most likely, explaining the high number reported in May.
Not surprisingly, the number of victims varies by month. 4 months of the year always have the majority of the kidnappingsMay, March, April and October.
There are satanic holidays which have historically involved murdering children as a part of their ritual: Easter, Halloween, Beltane and (unfortunately) Passover.
April, as a month, gathers so many victims because it is sometimes the month in which Easter falls and because it is a preparation month for Beltane on May 1. But it also houses the Passover. In the Kabbalistic tradition, killing a child and mixing its blood in with the unleavened Passover bread is quite common. These are not real Israelites doing this, it is their twisted twin brother who believes God demands a re-sacrifice of the children of Egypt during the Passover.
There is another factor which makes the number of kidnappings vary between either March or April: Easter's date changes every year as it is a Lunar Holiday (follows the cycle of the moon... just like Ishtar and Isis).
The number of kidnappings actually correlates with the placement of Easter in each year!
    For example:
  • In 2007 Easter was in early April, so the majority of kidnappings occurred in March (and indeed, March had more kidnappings in 2007 than April).

The number of kidnappings actually correlates with the placement of Easter in each year!
    For example:
  • In 2007 Easter was in early April, so the majority of kidnappings occurred in March (and indeed, March had more kidnappings in 2007 than April).
  • In 2008 Easter fell in late March, so the number of kidnappings in February was more than usual (by about 6000 people).
  • In 2011 Easter fell in late April, so March had the fewest number of kidnappings of the four months.
The reason there is such a wide range in the kidnapping period for Easter is because it is predicated by the 40 day "Lent" period in which sacrifices are made to Tammuz, one for each year of his life.
Think of it this way, the priest class of the roman catholic church has its flock fast (removing temptation from the church) in order to allow for the massive infilling of Satan without the consequences from God (a double minded approach) coming down on the church as a whole; this is the idea behind the secrecy of such ritual sacrifices. The parishioners appear blameless, and the priests fall into deep sin.
40 days of sacrificing children to venerate and worship Tammuz, who is literally the False Jesus Christ (the spirit and the image) which presides over the catholic church.

There really is not a Jesus Christ only an acrostic and the Catholic Church that uses a lot of symbols like Holy Water and XP, and the Mass related to Pisces  

Look at this:

"Inanna's [(Ishtar- Isis)] descent to the underworld is her death, and the end of fertility on earth. Her return to the upper world is her resurrection, the return of life on earth. But renewed life can be purchased only at the price of another's death, in this case her consort Dumuzi [(Tammuz)]. Herein lies the logic of ritual (even human) sacrifice."
-Powell, Barry B. Classical Myth, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998
* Emphasis added.
What Powell points out here is that the sacrifice is made to bring Tammuz back. 40 days of waiting for Tammuz to return results in 40 sacrifices.


October will always have a large number of kidnappings due to Halloween. It is a high sabbat in witchcraft and draws a lot of attention in the world as a playful holiday for kids, despite the fact that most kidnappings that occur in October are to the end of sacrificing the victims on October 31st.
The next couple of months that fall into the top 6 list are June and September (every single year). June is not only the summer solstice, but its also gay month with massive numbers of gay related parades and parties going on around the world. Statistically, around 30% of homosexuals are also pedophiles 1 2 3 (compared to around 2% of normal populations [which include homosexuals]).
September has "Feast of the Nativity" in the roman catholic religion is a little more literal than I would like to think. Its a very important day in the beast church and sacrifice of children on it is not outside the realm of possibility. But, more likely is the Autumn Equinox, in which witches sacrifice children to Apollo and various other gods.
Below is my summary of the stats and the links to the raw statistics so you can check this out for yourself. I would also like to note that the majority of sacrificing children does not happen on satanic holidays, it happens every day in your local abortion clinic. Aborting a fetus is, most often, carried out by a practicing witch. The sacrifice defiles this land, this country and this people; please always consider how horrible of an institution abortion is.

Year and Most Number of Kidnappings Sorted by Month


  1. May - Beltane 1st of May
  2. October - Halloween 31st of October
  3. March - Majority of Easter Kidnappings
  4. April - Easter 8th of April


  1. May - Beltane 1st of May
  2. April - Spill over into February
  3. October - Halloween 31st of October
  4. March - Easter 23rd of March


  1. May - Beltane 1st of May
  2. March - Majority of Easter Kidnappings
  3. April - Easter 12th of April
  4. October - Halloween 31st of October


  1. May - Beltane 1st of May
  2. March - Majority of Easter Kidnappings
  3. April - Easter 4th of April
  4. October - Halloween 31st of October


  1. May - Beltane 1st of May
  2. October - Halloween 31st of October
  3. April - Easter 24th of April
  4. March - Too far from Easter


  1. May - Beltane 1st of May
  2. March - Majority of Easter Kidnappings
  3. April - Easter 8th of April
  4. October - Halloween 31st of October

Disappearances Statistics Links at the FBI: