Hard to Breathe
If anyone really reads this I would be surprised. But if they do please realize, as you can quickly tell I cannot write a sentence mostly. I did not graduate even from high school even though I had a dad that was a civil engineer and a have two siblings that both have degrees one an advanced degree ajnd taught at the university level
If you consider that the world, not the planet earth, is a place where we are all tied by a Voodoo string then you will see why all the things that I am about to say, may seem completely unrelated but are not. We are all in this together is not a political statement, because there are such things as bottomless pits and asking the question of where we came from and how we got here is, and how language was originally created, makes me, and hopefully a lot of other people see, that we are in fact in this together despite what politicians and all the groups that controlled to make you think we aren’t. When the boat sinks we all go down together
So here are my perceptions because I was born a Pisces. Because I was born a Pisces there are people on the planet that KNOW, keyword of Aquarius, where you live because they have documents that write themselves and have had documents like that since the resurrection. Not only know where you are at in the occult since (occult is related to the word ocular or to see related I think to Sagittarius key words are “I see”. So while I do not think that nine months, as the model because it is shown to be that at Chartres Cathedral or as they call it a labyrinth of 270 or 272 days because the nine months that is the model even though people can be born at any time start from the Spring Equinox Easter, also the Egyptian word Sphinx, or March 20 and ends on about November 22 the beginning of Sagittarius that is 272 days the also the day John F Kennedy was shot.
I want to make clear I do not hate children, after all, I was a child myself at one time. But in my opinion, the model of children on the planet earth because the “Golem” Model was never finished, and for that reason we are born with DNA that has the viruses that will kill us all. So the model of Minotaur (Gemini/Taurus) and the other side of that Sagittarius/Scorpio is what really does not like children at all and in fact, the word child or children has its origin as a shield. Why do we use a word for babies that has its origin in the word “shield”
But here are just some of the things that have been caused, that I now believe are true, because I have had to find out what the world really is on my own. Mostly Pisces is not the type of sign that likes having to do that, but I have had to do because I try to be a survivor and hopefully pass on to other people what I know is true because I lived it. Our mom lived it before I was born and died on March 20, 1962, because that is the day they wanted her to die. The person, along with two other people from the Boston area, not only knew where we lived they had a document that writes itself tell them when our mom was going to die, and for that reason, knew the address and then the hunter and one adult and one girl the same age as a sibling in 1955 came to Florida, and waited as ghouls until she did die to live the same house because they were not US citizens and cannot ever be US citizens. The adult that drove them to Ft Lauderdale is, as far as I know, not alive but she had made a suicide pack with the hunter so she did exactly what he told her to do. Why she agreed to do that I will never know. I think she may have been on welfare in the Lynn Mass area and was promised something she was sure was going to be ok. But I personally cannot imagine our parents (both deceased of ever considering something like that) After all the money they had was coming from a cocaine cartel called the United Fruit Company and covered it up by money laundering through a company they created called Superior Insulation
One I continue to be tortured by the “Head that will not die” Le Fleur Baphomet, Temple of the Screaming Electron TOTSE they even use acronyms associated with the word foot to torture me. They used Totse roll pops sent to Sears Industrial three years in a row as reference to foot and they used Dustin Hoffman just after he did the movie Tootsie (transgender movie to make the movie (B)Rain man but then they can’t use BRAYN as Brain Man even though a “Y” is also a vowel half the time. That’s for Bryan Gates that Neil adopted after our mom died and used our dad to make it legitimate. That is really all our dad was used for after all Neil had convinced a sibling before our mom died to mention Brian Piccolo BRAIN PICCOLO and even did two movies for him called Brian’s Song and then in the last 20 years came back and used his name on bicycle site called GetBent.org in Florida and wrote an album BRAYN Patrick Gates called the Trumpet Child by a group called Over the Rhine That also includes the word foot on purpose and the word Brain without the “B” that had 160 pages on an internet site that stated word for word what the torture was going to be. I got about three or four pages, then the site was shut down and I was not able to get
Anymore. I even tried to do FOIA cases with the NSA showing them what I found, and tried to explain in terms I did not even know how to say that we were spied on in Ft Lauderdale but they are not interested in that kind of thing because the hunter is the one doing it and that means they have to not do anything and they didn’t, in fact, they even started a new branch of the NSA called Shamrock related to the Mid- East War because Neil’s origin created the NSA now know the NSA has French origin and is controlled by the same Prague Czechoslovakia, that had the headquarters of the Gestapo and has control of the Golem and has control of the Devils Bible
Here is why I titled this Hard to Breathe
I need to mention one other thing they used the bottomless pit and the spider in the 1950’s but then put Quantum Physics into it and all the spying they did and all of the control that they had was taken out and left me as Bradley Broomstick and using every cranial nerve people are born with after all there are twelve like the number of signs of the zodiac only being used to torture me to death using Jacobs ladder the Sacrum area 33rd bone or tailbone and moving through the spine, with the nerve that is in the tailbone, up the spine to all the nerve endings to bypass my ears and every other part of my five senses. One wonders if the surgery that I had for a supposed blood clot was not done as a malpractice for of surgery because part of the tailbone nerve runs down my left leg. The left leg of the sibling in Columbus was purposely run over and he was left in a cast for six months because the same hunter needed trucking and may have been responsible for Jimmy Hoffa’s death and Jackie Presser dying of Cancer in the Cleveland area
Hard to Breathe
Polio a virus that could have killed all of the children or at least left them paralyzed from the waist down for their entire life. I think Father of the human race might have stopped the virus from getting more children than it did. The best word I have for that is Jonah
There is the Gulf of Mexico today and the dead zone along about 30 miles or more of coast that creatures in the sea die because there is no oxygen for them to breathe
There is the concert in Cincinnati that had people forced to trample people at a concert that was supposed to be outside but was inside but surely the people going to the concert could tell that but I think it was done to tell the Who not the World Health Organization WHO that they better not let anyone know what they put in the album Tommy
Our dad mentioned civet cats around our house in Ft Lauderdale there is a new virus that attacks the lungs called Sars that has another part that is called Mers that kills the host, people after it gets to people I think. There was some question about the fact that in china there were civet cats spreading the virus because they eat civet cats in China
Our mom coughed in an oxygen tent before she died and the nurses heard her and told our dad and a sibling but they thought it was due to smoking, but I do not think so. Especially since there is a movie that is called the Last time I saw Paris that refers to the oxygen tent where our mom died and also the hunter said behind my back that I killed our mom then in 1962
Here’s an example
Whatever happened to Steven Spielberg?
Here is just one example of what the control of the human race does to convince everyone that everything is ok, and we are not in this altogether. The Illuminati, I think, hired a person by the name of Stanley Kubrick to do a series of movies for them based on scripts they wrote.
As a matter of fact, one of them, maybe the first, titled “How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb”, I think came out about the time our mom died and we were first living in Plantation at 5251 SW 4th Court. One of the places where that was mentioned was a place called Burble Air Force Base.
Would you know why it was called Burble instead of Purple? The reason was this, but I did not even know, at the time. I did not know because the four new people, one had just been born about a year before, were people that had just started living in the Gates family only because I thought our dad really thought it what he wanted to do. I had no idea they were the hunter and his gang, and his child sort of, because he made sure the adoption that our dad made legitimate was a child with the music talent like himself by maybe even using the Flower of life in some way to cause the child and the parents to be the type of parents that would have to give up the child and made sure that the child had the musical talent that he needed because that is what he was born with, you know “the Hills are alive with the sound of music” Austria, you know, or maybe as the aborigines might say it Australia. The reason why they called the Air Force base Burple was the fact that Bryan or BRaYN Patrick Gates not a Gates family member but the hunter made sure that happened obviously he could not be called Bryan Patrick Donnelly, right even though Eleanor was supposedly Pam and Neil adopted mother. So I guess there were telephone calls related to that movie that came to our house not our home anymore, at least that is the way I see it, asking about the Stanley Kubrick movie. I think they asked and someone, because Bryan Patrick had just started talking and was still in diapers, after Brian Piccolo had been mentioned by a sibling before our mom died because the sibling was an extreme baseball fan and thought of Brian Piccolo as a role model for him with the hunter sneaking around our family at 1458 SW 19th ave before our mom and our dad’s only wife died on March 20, 1962. The reason it ended up being Burple air force base was the fact that the hunter even named the child Bryan Patrick Gates, so one day someone calls and a sibling says something like the fact that Bryan has just started talking and is confusing “b”’s with “p”, s and so it ended up in the movie as Burple Airforce base.
There was a message board on the internet after David Carradine died in Thailand, in which a person had a username of Purple Burb, not Burple, but Purple Burp, and that person with that username said David Carradine was “well hung” referring to the fact that he was hung, but also referring to what I think the people that have something to do with controlling the human race say, that people like Mr. Carradine are sex addicts. An ex FBI agent has proved that was spread all over about David Carradine was a lie. In fact, the Lady Boys XYY 47 chromosomes killed Mr. Carradine. I found the message board one day because I wanted to find out about someone that I thought was ok on the TV show Kung Fu. So I found the message board and left a reply to Purple Burp that that person should not make jokes like that after a person had died. He did an episode on his TV show related to Zen in the Art of Archery written for the hunter in our house in the 1960’s. I was also told by someone that lived in Dayton that knew our mom before she died by the name of Paul Smith and he suggested one day to Plantation Florida and going in a bedroom where the hunter and two other people were at and came out, saying that is some program. I had no idea what he was talking about but I have concluded that it is the document that writes itself that he may have even seen in some form in Dayton before I was born. David Carradine was called grasshopper in Kung Fu he mentioned that one day when we visited Dayton but I never really knew him much so he never explained why he did any of what he did but I think the referral to grasshopper or locust might be related to the ninth revelation
So Mr Kubrick went on to make at least 10 more movies with scripts he got from the Illuminati including 2001 a Space Odyssey about how everyone dies on spaceship earth because the “eye” using Neptune as a weapon because they swear that Jupiter rules Pisces causes everyone on the ship to die of a lack of air while in a sort of hibernation. Then there is the HAL 9000 that might in some way be related to 9/11 but I know that while the HAL 9000 was singing “Daisy, Daisy, give your answer true I’m half-crazy all for the love of you” "H" is one letter away from I the A is one letter away from B and the L is one letter away from M IBM.
But then after Mr. Kubrick had done the Shining and several other movies he was asked to do one more but died before it was done and that movie was “AI” to turn a phrase or maybe turn the letters of Brian into BRAIN but never turn BRAYN Never that per the hunter.
So a person that I am sure that comes from a Jewish family in the Cincinnati area is given Schindlers List but does he care about finishing the movie “AI”, and ultimately what it really meant? I don’t think so
Then there was ET a reference to Elizabeth Taylor again and our mom that received boots that were intended for Ms. Taylor that had a husband by the name of Rock Hudson that might have done some things to children in Hollywood and then there Ms. Taylor that made her house in area a pharmacy for people with the AIDS virus
So what about the movie AI did it refer to the Tin Man that needed a heart like the Wizard of OZ the original and was that me? Is my name Brain or Brian? I know it isn’t I am a “gook”! A very racist term used during the Vietnam era to refer to people to make them less than they were so it was easier to shot them
Why did they also start a program in the US after the police departments complained that demonstrators (mostly CIA agents) were calling them pigs, and they did not like it. Did they read the book Lord of the Flies? Did they understand that might be what I was referred to in the book? So why did the police departments start the tin man project with girl police officers added? Did they see they were being used? I would say not. What about Obe Chandler and the girl police that tracked him down in the Tampa area and said she did not think he was so “charming”. Where did she get that from? Why did he have as his last meal a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? What really happened in Tampa Bay where a mom and her two children were weighted down with rocks and their feet tied to ropes to keep them under?