Monday, June 18, 2018

Would You Notice Why 25 "Y" 25th gate watched as the 22nd gate was killed

 You probably won't be able to read and probably no one will come anyway but hear it is and not readable because I did not graduate from high school 

I think during and living and going to the same school as me even though he is not a US citizen he spent lots of hours in the bathroom and Strength and Health magazines using something to put this together  

Would you notice why 25, and places that use 25 in their name might not be places you would want to go to? I may get in a lot of trouble for saying so but I think it is the 25 letter of the alphabet, or “Y” Half a vowel and half a consonant
Why I think just a vowel is very important has to do with having 47 instead of 46 Chromosomes, which psychology says might be related to be a psychopath.
You see there are these “children” that have the power behind the throne, and always have had since resurrection and the Jewish Religion that created all the religions, both eastern and western, even Catholic that the human race lives by even Native American religions.

This is the driving force of the human race. That is control of what we learn in schools all over the planet, what we see on TV and movies, what we eat and what we drive and even what partners we choose as marriage partners. But I am not talking about just an agenda, or a fashion trend, I am talking about soul control of the human race, because they have creation and even signs of the zodiac on their side. Would you know what it is like to have signs of the zodiac on your side? Think for a minute if the zodiac, that is the one that describes the human race, and does it so good it might be included in Spain’s Zohar what would that mean?. What would that mean?      

But I am not talking about just an agenda, or a fashion trend, I am talking about soul control of the human race
Suppose also all you have to do is see, what is plain sight, to find where god or control of the human race really is. While being a part of religions, and listening to what someone tells you may be good for families, I should know I went to Catholic School for 12 years, there is something that might be more for the human race to surviving than what is taught. In fact, what we are taught might be the same control that is the exact opposite of surviving. I am not talking about terrorism or violence I am talking about really seeing what is going on and the “children” that might be related to say Mary Mandolin might not have the interest of your children, or the human race’s best interest. Because their might be children that control even knowing from an occult point view where say a Pisces is born or even repeating creation over and over again,  and finding the next Pisces on their list.
They know because they have a mother that trains them and keeps control of them and with the control of the human race, and can do things that the human race would not even believe were possible because we are led to believe that what appears to be all there is, is all there is. But it is just not true

I know because I have been a victim since the time I was born. Not because I purposely do things that cause me to be a victim it is because, at one level, from the time of the holocaust (that is the fire trinity that is GOD from the bottomless pit, that does not mean necessarily what happened in say Germany although that might in some way also be included So we are not victims just because we are born, and yet that is exactly what someone has done to me, and our mom and dad, before I was born. Just because they were our parents they were destroyed by the same thing that continues to torture me to death killed them also and there is a document that puts words, not printed, but the words are put on magically. The reason that document was in our house and had been translated from German to English, might be partially due to what had happened and continues to happen in Europe and the fact that there not any royal families anymore even though there are people that would like to see that happen again like the Illuminati. But do they really think that this time is going to be anything different when even they look at things as though they have privileges that most don’t and for that reason it does not matter what happens to anyone else in the human race. But I think that might lead to the same thing happening again the royal family that kills themselves by poison or other ways that killed the models of the human race, and caused those undead models to be models for the new human race      

The number 25 and the fact that it is still related to 47 Chromosomes, and for that reason are connected to the original children, because they are related to the undead models that resurrection started. There is a creator that might have thought that creation of the human race were something that needed to happen but never got to the place where the model for children was finished. So instead we have nine months or something like the Labyrinth that has been around France since before, I am sure, the 16th century, as the model for children everywhere on the planet. 
So just because I am born a Pisces,, the 12th sign of the zodiac, considered beyond the ninth sign, and beyond their creation of the human race in the form of the head of a man, mentioned in the Sphinx (spring equinox) and also created by the creator that want to see the fire and air trinities be replaced by fire and air. But just because you are born a Pisces does really make any difference because they still have the ninth and third signs or maybe the Minotaur which is really Gemini/Taurus and the other side of that related to Sagittarius and Scorpio. But I guess there is a problem that keeps showing up that the lines that separate the zodiac into signs and may even cause the 47 chromosomes in some way are always being broken because of the sign Sagittarius is a dual sign and the only one in which it is symbolized as an animal and a human at the same time, and that is what the Air trinity seems to be built on in the form of Gemini. There are some astrologers that say all of the common signs of the zodiac that is Virgo Gemini Sagittarius and Pisces are all dual signs but they are not I am sure that Pisces is not a dual sign and has nothing to do with say the zodiac completely splitting and causing the end of the human race
After all why would someone that called himself a warlock and was trained by the family tree that has been around since Ancient Egypt that might include Ancient Rome and building of Stonehenge, why would that person the first chance he gets living in our family only because they get “HELP” whenever they need it from a place that has been giving them help since maybe Louis XIV anyway and knew where we lived before I was born and after I was born start by hitting me over the head with a fly swatter and then proceed to put bruises all over my arms when they were supposed to stop if they were too late and I was born then they were not supposed to live in our family and yet they did and also because of killing they would stalk and track me down after our mom died and just before our dad died which was listed on the document that writes itself sort of. Why don’t they want to admit that they are the dual that causing the split and take the blame for the killing instead of looking for a Pisces, or Jesus in the form of a 27 letter acrostic to blame all his life
Why did that person and other two that came from Boston not only push their way into our family and home they said they were the ones that ruled not our dad or anyone else even though without our dad they did not have the id to get or do anything, and since they could not get the Swiss Bank account or control the federal reserve that becomes important because live on the planet they are not just demons that live in a place that is not the planet. After all there is Lilith and there are one hundred I am sure sites that mention succubus as a demon. In fact there are sites that include the other gender and two genders of demons which I do not think is possible

So why did Frague sometimes spelled Prague Czechlovakia, and their connection to the Brother and Sister program at the NSA and their connection to Tampa Florida, and their connection to the Gestapo, and their connection to  at least one person in our house decide while he is living in our house and family where he really doesn’t belong in the first place and maybe the help in  the form of Chicago and say Las Vegas helping whenever they need it stopping our dads career and really splitting the gates family from Ft Lauderdale into our mom before she died as Betty Lou Gerson and after she died Easter Lily Gates but where then is Betty Louise Gates? Why did the help, maybe causer our dad’s engineering career to fail, and cause the dreams that average humans have, to be destroyed? What else there for average humans? Whether you are born a Pisces or not you still have to live as though Minotaur is all there is because the model of children has always been nine and 270 days and the solar zodiac not the lunar zodiac
NEIL MAY HIS FAMILY TREE RELATED TO CZECHLOVAKIA AND THE GESTAPO THAT WERE a very brutal part of the Nazi’s but not the same as the Nazi’s

So why did that person, without knowing who he was, and the bruises that he put on my arms take over 40 years to heal? It is because they were not just bruises they were our entire family that lived in and our dad and mom. i did not know something was wrong, but I sensed it. 
So why did he go in a bathroom and spend hours creating or requesting something they can do, but no one in the Gates family can do? Why did he go and connect up a Frog Prague to Temple of the Screaming electron, to come back and torture for the last 25 years with sleep deprivation and the ‘sound” that is not sound in the hearing or ear sense of the word why did he dissect a frog and say that is way he is going to torture, and has done so. 
So when you are about to fall asleep and they can time as though they are living through your soul, and time it with things like the sound of guns shooting you. As though you are being shot, but do it from the inside out, as though I do not have a skull and five senses, but just a head that they can use in ways "science" does not really know about, even today. 
Supposed you could hear but not hear sound because they repeated  something that happened at resurrection time but it is repeated by someone as though it were happening again. If it is not being done then how does Neil know that there is going  to be another person talented in music adopted but not adopted  goes to your cranial nerves and up the 33 bone, the tailbone, in the spine of Jacob’s ladder and then goes directly into the 8ht cranial never related to hearing. If the tailbone is the connection to animals would they be able to connect the dissecting of a frog PRAGUE to me?  I am sure that the person that lived in our house did have a connection in terms of family tree to Czech and the Gestapo and in the movie the Great Escape which is based on fact and the building of four tunnels to escape from a prison camp the gestapo and the dedication of the movie used machine guns to kill 50 people for no reason at all. There was a scene, because I saw a rerun of the movie recently in which XP is on the front of the car that comes into the prison camp 

Why did they have a truck come over to try and fix the plumbing after Bob Luce was a part of an ashram in Columbus and put Kermit the Frog with a  noose around his neck in the truck  after our mom died 
I guess at the end of the day the problem everlasting life, and the ruler of Pisces being Neptune instead of Jupiter. SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS they use everlasting life given to a human and then say that is all the human race is good for 

The Tree of Life instead of the Flower of Life and that has been mentioned every time that is around since David Svetlick mentioned after him and his family came from 

Pennsylvania in the 1950’s and knew where we lived at 1458 SW 19th ave and said when the sibling that was probably contacted in some way even he never told me and the fact that I was really forgetful being born not only a Pisces but with a Pisces rising that can cause even children to be forgetful so our mom wanted it that way, but there was someone around that I did not know about that was already saying that homosexual was the issue and using it any way they could as though we were a royal family and Brazil was where we were at even anyone with any sense at all would know it wasn’t. David Svetlick mentioned his Uncle Seed the first time we were around referring to the Flower of Life and Body Snatchers        
Why is this guy around south Florida after our mom died related to squirrels and a game a sibling mentioned one day when I was about 8 years old of throwing tennis balls at people in a tree  

Our mom agreed to this before she died and now they using against her after she died 56 years ago it was related to an Oak Tree in our front yard at 1458 SW 19th ave   
Why is this guy around south Florida using identity theft because of something they cannot stop doing and yet the movie shown in 1960 at OLQM was no accident because they controlled OLQM and all of the Catholic compound where the high school elementary school and church were at including the convent where the nuns stayed and rectory where the priests stayed 
Occurrence at Al’s Creek was shown about 2 years before our mom died in 1962 I think there is a few scenes that show our mom as someone that had been around before I was born but they made me out to be her husband rather our dad’s youngest son
What about the origin of Catholic Church being sister and brother twins again related to Gemini and Twins Town and VOWS OF CHASTITY MARRIED TO GOD What about King Tut’s sister killing him as his female twin? They have family trees that include that very thing. In fact I think they mention it to Barbara Streisand the first chance they got