This explosion of the Federal Building was planned with the use of a document that came to our house in the 1950's and then hiring Bob Luce and Beverly Dangelo from the Upper Arlington area in the 1970's. Along with fertilizer and the 54th Hexagram and a person that claimed that she was our dad's housekeeper and companion in Ft Lauderdale that stole our mom's wedding ring just after she died and then claimed that she was an alcoholic and the use of my spine as Jacobs Ladder in Ft Lauderdale not an ashram in Columbus Kundalini can be done by Jacobs ladder when I was only about 8 years old and was as though there is some tick living on you. Also, they caused me to have convulsions like Marilyn Reese Sheppard when she was 4 months pregnant because they are using the Solar zodiac instead of the Lunar zodiac in which a month equals a year not the Labyrinth of 270 days related to the Chartres Cathedral in France. So instead of using Cancer sign of the zodiac as a way into the lunar zodiac, they are spreading cancer instead
Bob Luce had lived in Oklahoma and made a call to that area without saying to anyone what it was with the use of San Francisco and the China Underground in Oklahoma they caused the explosion of the Federal Building because there were Secret Service and other federal employees working there maybe CIA
Danny Devito, It seems helped or participated in killing and causing a neck injury of Andy Kaufman Jerry Lawler the wrestler has apartment buildings around Cincinnati and was the wrestler that caused andy Kaufman's neck injury and with the use of spreading cancer caused him to die of Lung cancer like Mike McManis who owned CIAX cleaning service and had never smoked in his life Tim McManis, his brother also co-owner of CIAX lives in Columbus still and works for a Solar Energy company to this day. They were also from the UA or Upper Arlington area
Bob Luce had lived in Oklahoma and made a call to that area without saying to anyone what it was with the use of San Francisco and the China Underground in Oklahoma they caused the explosion of the Federal Building because there were Secret Service and other federal employees working there maybe CIA
Danny Devito, It seems helped or participated in killing and causing a neck injury of Andy Kaufman Jerry Lawler the wrestler has apartment buildings around Cincinnati and was the wrestler that caused andy Kaufman's neck injury and with the use of spreading cancer caused him to die of Lung cancer like Mike McManis who owned CIAX cleaning service and had never smoked in his life Tim McManis, his brother also co-owner of CIAX lives in Columbus still and works for a Solar Energy company to this day. They were also from the UA or Upper Arlington area
What’s the worst that can happen? I worked for their cleaning service for about 2 years and used my siblings business telephone, because I did not have a telephone, to be offered the job in the first place Mike McManis died in Powell Ohio of throat and lung cancer like Sammy Davis Jr that worked tat the Desert Inn Casino. I was taken to the Desert Inn Motel in the 1950's possibly owned by Jack Ruby (Jacob Rubinstein) gangster with the Italian Mafia The Gerson's lied about where they were taking me when I was just 7 1/2 years old
That is a movie title in which Danny Devito is the star that I have to say I have never seen the entire movie but the parts I did see said most of what I think is very important
In the 1970’s around Columbus Ohio, forgetting the books by Robert Louis Stevenson that include the book kidnapped and the companion book that is included in some editions got into our house by means I still do not know today. But it was important because there was also a document, that I was not aware of, that had been translated from German to English
I was only five years old and had not heard talk in our house about something that did happen in Dayton,
before I was born. Our mom received something, only because of occult reasons to say she was going to have a son like me. Whatever else it said I will probably never know but along with the document sent there may have been boots that she kept in a box because they did not fit her. It also said something about her name Peffers (her dad’s name) and for that reason and the origin of the surname, and the other forms of the name such as Peppers that said it had an origin in spices or something like that. Whatever else might have been included I don’t know but she kept the boots and she started a salt and pepper collection that she kept and displayed in our house at 1458 SW 19th ave. But I was too young to know, but for some reason they had been told that I would know even though no one told me, and for that reason I was not aware of what might have been said at any time
This book written as though the I Ching were an electrical circuit is not the only way to look at the I Ching but it is the way that John Blofeld did and Bob Luce read it that way and went to French Canadian territory in the 1960's Thank God one of my siblings had his employee John mention to me at the even though at the time I had no idea what he was talking about related to the telephone call Bob Luce made to Oklahoma otherwise I would probably be blamed as being a part of a Survivorlist
group like Elizabeth Claire Profit that was a survivalist group in Montana and may have had access to the missile silos in that area
Why is Baal Kadman doing Youtube videos these days saying they are different than the Elizabeth Claire Profit group?
group like Elizabeth Claire Profit that was a survivalist group in Montana and may have had access to the missile silos in that area

But just after we moved to St Pete and from there after our dad’s mom died of Cancer in which he had to have a nurse come in give her shots of Morphine because the Cancer was terminal we moved to Ft Lauderdale where our dad got a new position with an engineering firm called Concrete Pipe Products. He had graduated from the University of Dayton, and as a part of his training he had learned calligraphy and he really had a talent that he could of probably made a career of in itself but didn’t. He had also been trained as a master carpenter and had owned a concrete business in Dayton that closed only because of the Second World War
But I had not heard as a five year old the talk about the document that had been in Dayton, but I think the two older siblings had heard something, and when a call suddenly came to our house in Ft Lauderdale with words like there is a serial murderer in your house and I am coming to investigate, the sibling who I think had heard something began to wonder but knew me well enough when he was nine years old when I was five years to know that I was not a murderer so he laughed and said something like “hurry” as a joke. So three people came to Florida from the Lynn or Boston or both area, and brought with them a girl the same age as the one that answered the phone that day and went to the same school of St Anthony’s in about 3rd or 4th grade where I had net even started school yet, and did not know that was what they were doing since someone from Boston had wrapped me in the cracks of the zodiac and called Paul Gerson Jr to jump ahead of my life by about two years.
I think there was a problem that had started in Germany related to the royal family in which the mother’s maiden name of royals became separated from the rest of the royal family and that is what happened in the Schicklgruber (I guess the origin of the name means deep hole or something like that) family that broke off and used Nee (mother’s maiden name) as their royal name and somewhere that mother’s maiden name was Hitler or a form of that name
So the girl the sibling that was four years older than me of course was talked into coming over to the house where the people that had contacted our house in some way, maybe the spider or the legs of the hobo Hobgoblin mentioned in France in the 1600’s on the internet, and sibling started goi8ng over tto their house and starting cutting lawns to earn money which he used to buy my first bicycle for a an XMAS present and then worked from them with Eleanor’s superior insulation company that might have been fraud even though I did not know that then. Then the person that had arranged the entire thing, maybe even the car the adult drove them in from Boston (only about seven years old then) and were told that they really were not supposed to do anything after I was born (because it was too late them) came to Florida anyway and behind my back called our dad and asked him to describe his youngest son and what he might have said I don’t know but I know he said he was pigeon toed
All I liked to do is play on swings and fish at the time but newer knew about the people that lived in Davie Florida even though they had at least talked to two of the oldest siblings not me
Then in 1962, our mom died, and in my opinion one of the best friends I had in my life because she continued to defend what she had been told in Dayton before I was I was born as the right way to look at things and not the way that was told to the other two siblings after I was born. Even while they were scaring her with telephone calls to our house
The sibling that brought the document into our house was suddenly convinced that I was conspiring against him even though I did not know anything about what he was talking about. I think that the same people that convinced him to bring it into our house and gave everyone “magic” tricks “I did not get mine until after our mom died” were the same people that called and told our mom where he might have put the document in or around a bed he slept on that had a crack in the mattress, I guess. I really did not know this and just coming out and saying it now. It is temple of the Screaming Electron and the internet and my little knowledge of Astrology only and putting with over 20 years of sleep deprivation using cranial nerves to talk bypassing the ears and any of the five senses as though I am a circuit in some artificial intelligence computer rather than a human
So, after our mom died and the three people that had come from the Boston area were suddenly around our house and family I received a guillotine and a red bag to steal coins as magic tricks but I did not know why even though I had seen the panic button that the sibling in Columbus had received and the vesica Pisces rings that the oldest had received that he had laid on his bed one day and was not at home so I went in the bedroom and I wondered then why he had it
So after our mom name had been used in one form or another for identity theft (II think) to use by the co start of the fly movie and guns of Naverone, which they made a second version they always make second versions of movies that they want to use for something else, and then just after she died made calls to our house asking our dad if Easter Lily Gates was there. She was a black president of the board of elections when Ruth Gerson was doing fund raising for Tindle for Sheriff. According to the internet that position which was an elected position then was run by gangster mostly and they controlled a lot of the ballot boxes to get elected who they wanted elected. The Gerson’s had also lied to our mom and instead of taking to some show, and there were a lot around in the Miami, and Ft Lauderdale area in the 1950’s took me to gangster run motel called the Desert Inn. Frank Sinatra, and the rat pack already knew who I was for some reason at the time. But the really weird thing, and it was just on Decades show there was a gangster in Chicago that was related directly to AL Capone that had Frank Sinatra investigated by the FBI for whatever reason. I am not really sure how that worked but it was mentioned related to the biography of Rose Marie that was a child start that continued to have connections to the Chicago Mafia all her life Maybe it was good that it was done at the time otherwise our mom and dad might have had something worse that threatening telephone calls but I don’t know I only know that Nancy Sinatra doing the Ghost in the invisible bikini and the song Geronimo was not an accident they knew I used to go to the Casino pool I did not remember the name until I looked on the internet recently and say Geronimo as I was jumping off the high dive
Then the three people from the boston area started living in our house and the nightmare started and it really has not stopped since in one way or another
But when we moved to Columbus and one of three people still handled the construction of houses around the neighborhood we lived in which was Raven wood and Laurel Canynon just a little north on Mc Naughton, road, there came a time, after one of them set the babysitting that he could control and make me look like something I wasn’t in the 1960’s, there came a time when the sibling even though I stiull did not know about any document or that anything was going on at all, when the sibling said he could not do this anymore and somehow kep in touch with one of the people from the Boston area to tell him because he was getting married
So quickly, even though that person will deny it today he had someone track me down and proceed to change everything I had done right, including possibly dying of blood poison about 2 years before our mom went in the hospital and died about 2 weeks after that. She had helped behind my back and out of the very ignorant ways I was easily fooled everyday but not to laugh but to make my life better and she did it all the time. She even ended up giving up new furniture and clothes to help pay for plastic surgery for a birth defect on my ears that she was told by the sibling that he could help pay for because i9t said on the document that I was entitled to a wish. So our mom tested it his way but did not get anything even though it said Paul he may have been looking at Paul the Apostle and he fact that he wrote about 2/3rd of the new testament but did not know that was what he read. I have to say I don’t know. Paul H Gerson had been contacted not me and I definitely was not Paul Hogan
So one of the people from Somewhere tracked me down and started doing something I did not understand the entire time he was there. But he got the entire package it seems including changing the books that were important form the Robert Louise Stevenson books that included Dry Jeckyll and Mr Hyde to books by Joseph Heller but not only the books even movies by Jeff Goldblum that included a movie that was titled igby goes down in which there is a scene that repeats the scene in Elizabeth Taylors movie the Lst time I saw Paris that shows she did not get the oxygen tent but our mom did, but the scene in that movie made a joke of the whole thing and said she died by putting a bag over her head and killing herself because she had terminal cancer. But there was also the name of the family that this happened in the movie that was the Slocumb family like the business partner of the si8bling at the time that and that name was also the name of the family in the Joseph Heller book called Something Happened
Then there were the books that were sent to the sibling that he handed to me one day that were related to the John Birch society that the person that came to Columbus and at least acted ;like a friend for a while and was definitely more educated than me since I did not really even graduate from high school. He saw them and understood immediately that they were a part of the illuminati which I am sure they are and I am sure that there is a possibility that one of his employees that knew Beverly Deangelo, who knew Chevy Chase and got her the contract she had in some way) knew some things about Oklahoma that might have been related to the bomb that brought down the federal building because he knew about the I Ching book written by John Blofeld that described the I Ching as an electrical circuit and then there is the Marrying Maiden Hexagram, in some way related to nuclear and then there is San Francisco that has China Town like sort of like Oklahoma in the form of China Underground. I have noticed that the internet has said that the John Birch society might have been involved in that bombing the worst in US history I know that Canadian and only Canadian TV have at least mentioned the problem with fertilizer bombs but I wonder why US TV does not even mention ever, that I can recall
I also wonder about the tarot card mentioned along with the Marrying maiden card in the Danny Devito movie of someone with five swards in his head could that mean torture