Two movies to show that, and Hollywood knows it, show our mom was killed. She did not die of natural causes
Why did they come to Florida in the 1950’s after we were born when it was too late after we were born?
The Voynich document, I think, was intended to be used to repair our DNA before we were born as humans not related to royal families like that they tried doing to our mom in Dayton in saying her name Peffers (Peppers) spices meaning of her dad’s last name, even doing movies like Salt Pepper and Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club when it was related to a human race thing at Resurrection time whether in the 1920-30’s or the 1950’s after we were born. The calendar year does not matter in bottomless pit terms so what seems impossible is just as likely as say the year 1000 was the beginning of the human race
Pam Neil and Eleanor were the cause of both parents death because it was too late when they came to Florida even though they made it look like I was the cause during both of our parent’s lives
How would you feel if you were me and did not know about any document and no one told you?
In a way that is as bad as death itself I am now and think about it every day and still do not have any picture of either of them, not even me when I was younger
The Warlock is controlling Mike and Roger these days but they won’t admit it
Our mom had received boots before any of her three children were born intended for Elizabeth Taylor and Frank and Nancy Sinatra both knew it
How does Igby manage to seem pretty well adjusted and resilient at the end of all the abuse and family dysfunction? His (not biological we discover) father ends up in a psychiatric hospital. His mother, Mimi, dislikes him, not entirely without provocation by Igby, and rarely misses an opportunity to compare him unfavorably to his overachieving brother or put him down in other ways.
Mimi has Igby and Oliver euthanize her with "poison" in ice cream, but because of the tolerance she has developed with her drug abuse ("I've been popping Seconal." (1:19)) Oliver must place a plastic bag over her head (0:01, ~1:25) to finish the job.

There was a rhyme that went around our neighborhood in the 1950’ that I did not know about that went like this: I hate Bosco it tastes like TNT Mommy puts in my milk to try and poison me. I fooled Mommy I put it in her tea now I have no Mommy to try an poison me. I did not know it but our mom was aware of what was going on because of something that had happened to her in Dayton. So they bring a document from Boston that makes someone by the name of Paul as the perpetrator and it confuses everyone in our house because of what had happened that I was the one that was cause of her death. But the document had come from Australia, I think. I never saw it, and even if I had I could not read it since I was too young to read and even after I was old enough did not have glasses until I was ten years old to read at 1st grade level
There was also another rhyme going around that went like this “Whistle while you work Hitler is a jerk Eisenhower has no power Whistle while you work. By then Hitler had been dead for over 10 years why was Steve Bridges saying that one day with a public school that he went to around the neighborhood in Ft Lauderdale when we both were about 8 years old
I am a Pisces but there was two Leo’s now only one, and the Leos life is not mine and yet someone has carried it out in the last 25 years as though I am the person that went to Miami Dade Junior college and broke his leg while working at UPS in the Plantation area between 1962-64. At the same time Neil, Pam and Eleanor had just started living at 5251 SW 19th Ave around the time of the Kennedy Assassination in November 1963
What someone does not understand is that Neils family tree has guys in the family tree that are born psychopaths because they have XX in their 23rd pair of chromosomes. Which in turn makes them serial murders. So when someone or some bottomless pit called our house and said there is a “serial murderer in our house at 1458 SW 19th ave then it was because they are and were the XX chromosome serial murderer like Ted Bundy. They were not coming to investigate they were coming to blame a Pisces, which they knew lived in the household. In fact they not only knew it they knew that I was going to be born before I was born in ST Pete Florida. They knew it and sent our mom saying she was a part of the British royal family and the name Peffers or similar name Peppers was the royal origin. Till the day she died she kept a salt and pepper shaker collection because she had been told that before I was born and got boots that were intended for Elizabeth Taylor that she kept also that she never wore because they were too small. Elizabeth Taylor not only another Wales resident had made the movie National Velvet in 1944, but when the boots were actually sent I will never know
I am sure the song by Nancy Sinatra Boots or these boots are made for walking and that is just what they will do one of these days these boots are going to walk all over you, is very important but not something the Gates family or the youngest member Geronimo would ever do
The sibling that lives in Columbus today kept being told “what happened” when they were suddenly living in our house and eating at our dinner table but I am not Paul H Gerson Jr and our mom was not Betty Lou Gerson or Easter Lily Gates and yet they were our parents did not exit is as though she was never born but it should not have been done after the children were born, which makes me look like it us against them it was supposed to be done before the children were born, then Pam Neil and Eleanor are the murderers not me. The Voynich manuscript was intended to fix the model of the human race, based on the lunar zodiac instead of the solar zodiac. Using the Solar zodiac, like the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral the period of children being born is 270 days, and is related to the 9th sign of the zodiac or Minotaur (Gemini/Taurus) the mirror image side of Scorpio Sagittarius, not 12 which includes the entire zodiac in the model. While a person’s individual chart may differ at least the model of the human race includes all possibilities in it. And in fact using the lunar zodiac it only requires one month which equals 12 months in the solar zodiac, and includes all 12 signs of the like it should
So all the time I lived before and after the Donnelly were around our house and family and only Paul H Gerson jr and Sr knew about who they were I was made to look like I was going to cause their death even though I was going to die of blood poison at 9 years old before our mom died, which was all taken out when Eric Schwing came to Columbus. Pam Neil and Eleanor are responsible for their deaths and only those people they, our mom and dad needed to be told before we were born, which they sort of did but they were told that it was a royal family thing rather than a human race thing that does not have anything to do with a royal family
So they killed both our mom and dad, and sat in our house knowing it since they were not supposed to do anything after the three children were born, and yet they came from Boston in the 1950’s even though they had given something to our mom before the three children were born
There was a movie made in 1954 by Elizabeth Taylor called the last time I saw Paris that suggests her character, even though they were supposedly mistakes in filming and were not supposed to be left in they left them in anyway and one was related to the character Elizabeth Taylor did not get the Oxygen Tent our mom died on March 20 1962 about the Spring Equinox or EasterThe Roman numeral for the movie even though it came out in 1954 was 1944 date
Somehow in the 1950’s and 60’s a book called Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson made it into our house. Finally, about the time I started 4th grade a Mrs Waters at OLQM concluded that I needed glasses It was not our mom’s fault but I had lost 3 grades because the spider was around and who would know that since I did not even know Pam, Neil and Eleanor and even if I had would I have known they were controlling the spider or hobgoblin that was also controlling the telephone system
So the reference to the oxygen tent in “the Last Time I saw Paris” Elizabeth Taylor, was overlooked even though I did not know that kind of thing was going on in our house. What I mean by that is not that we were related to Movie stars or directing movies but that the spider causes scripts to be written in Hollywood that include something about a family that is a kidnapped for occult reasons. So instead of looking at the bigger picture they repeat the same type of movies that our mom was used because she had received boots, before her son was born
So they did a series of movies with Jeff Goldblum that included Igby Goes Down and there is another scene that is about as clear as it can be that they are making a joke of our mom dying by a lack of oxygen only this time she is dying of Cancer. Our dad’s mom, about the time the three people from Boston were coming from Boston our dad’s mom Barbara Gates was dying and she died while our dad had to have a nurse come in an administer Morphine to her because the only Hospice care at that time was relatives families there were not any hospitals intended for terminal Cancer patients. Unfortunately, her husband Ross Gates had passed away in Dayton in 1951 and so our dad agreed to take care of her in our house in St Petersburg Florida about the time I was born
So why did Eric Albert Schwing come to Columbus and why was Catch 22 written by Joseph Heller made into a movie that Manjeet Singh Bassi around and took several roommates to OSU to see the film at a place around campus. Why also was the main character in the companion book “Something Happened” that took 13 years to write Slocumb?
Why did the sibling in Columbus have a business partner that was co-owner of the bicycle shop European Cycle (one of the names) there were a few others Mark Slocumb? Why did he know about the Harley Hogs? And why did he get in his XKE Jaguar and drive to California thinking he should not be partner of the bike shop and why was the color of the XKE the exact color that Donna Lee’ Jaguar was that had repainted from Red to Yellow and Pam used to talk to her in Ravenswood and was actually around the first day we were in Ravenswood off McNaughton road near Reynoldsburg on the far east side of Columbus and why was there a Laurel Canyon neighborhood built at the same time using the same name as the infamous California Laurel Canyon
To make things really weird why the name of the family in “Igby Goes Down” Slochumb
Why did one of the characters, I only saw part of the movie about a day ago act like he could not stand his mom dying then say in a sort of joking he was going to the Sunshine State California and then was corrected and told the Sunshine State was Florida and then he said well I am going about 2000 miles from here
When I saw Eric with or at least mention Catch 22, without knowing at all what I was doing, went out and bought the book Something Happened with the Slochumb family the main charecters as well as the Cia